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Problem recording palettes


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Hi, when I try to record a palette I can not see the empty palettes, when I hit record I just see the recording options screen and all the playbacks start flashing(see attached) do I need to change something in setting to go back to just seeing the empty palette slots? I feel I'm missing something obvious. Thanks Gray

flx s24 recording palettes.jpg

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Hi Gray,

Hope you're well.

54 minutes ago, grayeuk said:

Hi, when I try to record a palette I can not see the empty palettes, when I hit record I just see the recording options screen and all the playbacks start flashing(see attached) do I need to change something in setting to go back to just seeing the empty palette slots? I feel I'm missing something obvious. Thanks Gray

If the Record Options window is opening as soon as you press RECORD, this means the window settings have been changed. To access the Record window settings, tap SETUP -> Settings, and scroll down to the bottom. It sounds like your console is set to "Internal Display", meaning the window opens as soon as Record is tapped. By default, "External Display" will be selected. This means the window will always appear on an external remote display, but can be opened internally if you press and hold RECORD.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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