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Display scroll and reset


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When recording a show on Master playback, it's really frustrating that with each new cue the display goes back to the  start.

So when I've just recorded LX50 and want to check it runs correctly from 48 onwards, I can't seem to just go back one or two cues but have to scroll the screen from right back at the beginning.

Or am i  missing something?

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2 hours ago, AndyJM said:

When recording a show on Master playback, it's really frustrating that with each new cue the display goes back to the  start.

So when I've just recorded LX50 and want to check it runs correctly from 48 onwards, I can't seem to just go back one or two cues but have to scroll the screen from right back at the beginning.

I agree. I’ve been asking about this for some years. I have the same frustration when programming a sequential (theatre) stack. 

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Hi @AndyJM

On 3/26/2022 at 8:09 AM, AndyJM said:

When recording a show on Master playback, it's really frustrating that with each new cue the display goes back to the  start.

So when I've just recorded LX50 and want to check it runs correctly from 48 onwards, I can't seem to just go back one or two cues but have to scroll the screen from right back at the beginning.

Or am i  missing something?

When you go into the last cue of a playback, the "Next" cue will be cue 1, as playbacks will wrap around automatically. The Cues window is always "focussed" on the Next cue, and so you scroll to the top.

On 3/26/2022 at 10:26 AM, kgallen said:

I agree. I’ve been asking about this for some years. I have the same frustration when programming a sequential (theatre) stack. 

As per @kgallen's comment, we would like to review this behaviour. This is logged as reference number ZOS-8694 on our software tracking system.

I have raised the priority of this issue following your request.

21 hours ago, delfine said:

Tu peux assigner le bouton SHIFT +Flash en PAUSE. Alors si tu fais deux fois "pause", tu reviens en arrière. Mais peut-être que je n'ai pas compris ton problème :)

On FLX consoles, a few taps of the Up arrow gets you back to the bottom of the Cue list. On FLX S consoles, you could use the Pause functionality as described by @delfine.

Configuring the Master Playback's button's shifted function to pause, would allow you to hold Z/Shift and double tap Go, to get back to the bottom of the cue list.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Andy,

4 minutes ago, AndyJM said:

Thanks . How do I configure the Master playback shift function??

Hold SETUP and tap your Master Playback's button. This will open the Playback's Settings. Hold the Z/Shift key, and then choose "Pause" from the button function options at the bottom. Then release the Z/Shift key, and you should see the option returns to "Go (Fade)". You can then click OK. Now when you hold Z/Shift and tap the Master Playback's go button, you will pause it. Please see the link below for more information...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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