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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Lanterns continue to glow when off.


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Hi there, I'm very new this whole LED lark. 

We have an FLX S48. 

I have half a dozen Ovation F55- FCs.  When they are supposedly off, they continue to glow - since several of them are used for backlighting, this is quite annoying, as you can see the little bulbs glowing away even in a blackout (well, I can see them - hopefully my audience will be preoccupied with the action on stage!!). 

Any ideas? is this a board thing, or something to do with settings on the lanterns themselves?  

Thank you 


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Hi @AndyJM

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

6 hours ago, AndyJM said:

I have half a dozen Ovation F55- FCs.  When they are supposedly off, they continue to glow - since several of them are used for backlighting, this is quite annoying, as you can see the little bulbs glowing away even in a blackout (well, I can see them - hopefully my audience will be preoccupied with the action on stage!!). 

Any ideas? is this a board thing, or something to do with settings on the lanterns themselves?

What mode are you operating these fixtures in?

Have any settings been changed on the fixture itself, such as Dimmer Curve?

If you try addressing your fixture to something completely out the way of other fixtures (such as DMX address 401 if free), does the fixture continue to glow at a low level?


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Andy,

11 minutes ago, AndyJM said:

Thanks, Edward, 

No I haven't changed any settings on them - the "DMX" button on the menu says "linear" - as I say, I'm very new to LEDs. 

I've changed their addresses a number of times to no avail.


Would you be able to confirm which mode you are using them in?


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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