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It is a bit of a long way out sometimes isn't it...


Super User --> Desk Setup --> Patch Functions --> Auto Patch --> All/Selected


If there were a quick escape function, which button would it be on? How many levels would it take you back up in the menu system? What would happen to the "Are you sure? Yes/No" warnings along the way that give you a chance to bail out if you've done something terrible?


Maybe there is an easy solution. Just at a function like QUIT in every menu. That way you can always get out, in every menu. Just like the QUIT button on the MA scancommander. Just by pressing 1 button I can get out off all the submenu's. That's what we like on tour! :lol:

  • 3 months later...

Frog Reference No 5408 - Button to allow quick escape or quit from menus - to be reviewed.


There are several options which have been suggested in this topic and they will need to be looked at and reviewed. Any solution that we arrive at should be consistent for all menus and take into account the issues raised.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

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