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Go/Step (with manual chase) only working on submasters with faders?


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Hi all

Still playing with Phantom Jester before putting the console in use at a small job. I have the Jester 24/48, Jester ML24 & Jester TL. I will be using a few movers so the job will be done using ML24 or TL. Both consoles are great. I will probably use the TL since it is the smallest, but I have a question:

Programming a simple chase, let’s say 4 steps with 1 dimmer channel going from 25%->50%->75%->100%. Works fine. Now I want to use that chase as a kind of cue-stack so back to program, press edit and sets the Chase Speed to manual, pressing edit to save. Back to run, on the ML I raise the Submaster (first step is outputting) and when button option is set to “Step/Go” I can press the button and the next step is outputting. Now exactly the same thing on the TL: There is no fader so I just try hitting the MFK but nothing happens.

Overall, I guess my findings makes sense: That Go/Step (with manual chase) is only working on submasters with faders (the chase will start first step when fader is raised above 5%?) I am a little bit confused since this is in the manual (P28):  

“To advance a manual chase on a submaster, set the Flash Mode to Go/Step (using the Multi-Function-Keys when SPECIAL is active), select SUBMASTERS and use the Multi-Function-Keys (or use the submaster flash button on the JesterTLXtra)”

Maybe I am just reading the manual wrong?

Kind Regards droiddk

By what way: Jester TL, what does TL stands for? In ML it stands for “Moving Lights”, yes?

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Hi @droiddk

23 minutes ago, droiddk said:

Overall, I guess my findings makes sense: That Go/Step (with manual chase) is only working on submasters with faders (the chase will start first step when fader is raised above 5%?)

You are correct. If a Submaster button is configured to "Go/Step", the button will simply trigger the cues, at the level of the Submaster's fader. It will not output the cues. Therefore you will only be able to use this option with physical Submaster faders.

26 minutes ago, droiddk said:

“To advance a manual chase on a submaster, set the Flash Mode to Go/Step (using the Multi-Function-Keys when SPECIAL is active), select SUBMASTERS and use the Multi-Function-Keys (or use the submaster flash button on the JesterTLXtra)”

I believe this must be a mistake in the manual. Apologies for any confusion.

26 minutes ago, droiddk said:

By what way: Jester TL, what does TL stands for? In ML it stands for “Moving Lights”, yes?

"ML" stood for "Moving Lights", whereas "TL" stood for "Theatre Lights". The command line control was tailored for theatrical use.

Hope this helps.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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