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Intensities on multicell fixtures?


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Fisrst show with our new RGB star cloth, and the multicell feature of Zeros7.10 dropped perfectly, timing wise.  However, I was struggling to make the starcloth twinkle - I was planning to run an effect across each of the eight channels and modulate the intensity, but only seemed to be able to control global intensity.  I worked around it through RGB values of each individual channel in the end, but a bit laborious.  Is there a way / should I be able to access intensity on a cell-by-cell basis?  Using Capture to visualise, it seemed to work, but not IRL…

On a related topic, the next show is potentially including a number of RGB battens, and I’ll be at >512 channels if I run them all as multicell fixtures.  What’s the rough cost to upgrade the S24 to 1024 channels?

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Yep, that video was very helpful as we were programming, but I didn’t see a way on our cloth to control per-cell intensity.  Maybe specific to the fixture profile in that it sees the cloth as a non-linear fixture.  With “show intensity on wheel 1” enabled, selecting one of the cells did not give me an intensity encoder as expected….

In the end I made a chase across the cells, and ran it off a playback, which worked but took a little longer than just tapping an intensity effect…

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17 hours ago, drscoop said:

 Is there a way / should I be able to access intensity on a cell-by-cell basis?

To select individual cells, to allow you control the parameters related to an individual cell, hold Z/SHIFT, and tap the fixture's channel button. The Output Window will show you the currently selected cell. More information here...


17 hours ago, drscoop said:

On a related topic, the next show is potentially including a number of RGB battens, and I’ll be at >512 channels if I run them all as multicell fixtures.  What’s the rough cost to upgrade the S24 to 1024 channels?

Universes are currently £250 ex-VAT. Please email support@zero88.com if you would like to upgrade, or would like more information

13 hours ago, drscoop said:

I didn’t see a way on our cloth to control per-cell intensity.  Maybe specific to the fixture profile in that it sees the cloth as a non-linear fixture.  With “show intensity on wheel 1” enabled, selecting one of the cells did not give me an intensity encoder as expected….

Please let me know the fixture's make and model, and the mode you were using, and I'll take a look.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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It's an LEDJ tri-colour STAR13 RGB star cloth, in 28ch mode.  The manual won't attach ("Max file size of 20 kB exceeded") but a copy is here:

https://prostage.no/media/multicase/documents/pdf prolight uk/star13_manual.pdf

We were using the ProLight LEDJ Starcloth System profile.  The profile only seems ot have master intensity - I guess this might be the issue but I wondered if there was a way to control individual cell intensities?  Maybe a custom effect across the RGB channels, offset by cell, created on an FLX and transferred across via a showfile?

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35 minutes ago, drscoop said:

We were using the ProLight LEDJ Starcloth System profile.  The profile only seems ot have master intensity - I guess this might be the issue but I wondered if there was a way to control individual cell intensities?  Maybe a custom effect across the RGB channels, offset by cell, created on an FLX and transferred across via a showfile?

Thank you for linking to the fixture's manual. I have taken a look, and this appears to be working correctly. As this is not a linear fixture, the cells will not be selected by default upon raising the fixtures fader. Therefore when you raise the fader and apply an effect, it will run across the master intensity/master RGB, not the cells. To break the fixture down into its cells, raise the fixture's fader, and then tap Z/Shift, and type ". ENTER". Now when you apply an effect, it will run across the cells.

To control an individual intensity, hold Z/Shift and tap the fixture's channel button. Each tap will select each cell in turn. Once you have selected the cell you want, you can use the intensity wheel to adjust the level of the cell.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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