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No option for Turn into Chase when programming cues


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Since Updating to Version 7.7 and later Versions, my Solution Console no longer gives me the option to turn a Cue into a chase (or a stack for that matter) in the Overwrite Stack Popup. Anybody know why that might be? I recently found out that i can still turn a playback into a chase, but i would like to not have to workaround but setting up the chase in a playback and putting it into the cues. 

Similarly i also cannot find the option to step through steps of a chase once its in the cues. Sadly most new manuals often refer to buttons on the newer consoles that simply do not exist on the solution series, so those arent of much help either. 

Appreciate any help.

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Hi @Klaas

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

You should receive the following pop-up, when recording onto a playback which already has a single cue stored on it...



If you are seeing something different, would you be able to take a picture of this and share it with me? Would you also be able confirm your current software version?

39 minutes ago, Klaas said:

Similarly i also cannot find the option to step through steps of a chase once its in the cues.

To do this, hold the SHIFT button, and tap your chase's button, to manually step through each cue of the chase.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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when you say tap your chase button, i dont understand how that should work, we have a lot of playback on high cue numbers, holding shift and clicking on them on the external screen does not do anything. 

Here is also a picture of the popup, no options for chase or stack.

Right now we also fight with quite frequent crashes on 7.10, also adding the debug file here. The crashes dont seem to occur on older versions, but the other problems where also present on 7.9.4. (edit, realized it was this version only now) 



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one more thing while i have your attention:

We are doing a workaround triggering a chase from a playback instead of programming it into the cuelist directly. That sorta works and the playback is running, but when the cue should be empty, a lot of the nulled channels take precedence in blacking out the channels, which the chase should turn on. Just some channels though, we cant figure out why some are turning on and some are staying off. how can we get the playback to take precedence over the current cue (which only has 0 values in it). neither HTP nor LTP have any effect.

The wierdest part is that some chases which were programmed in an earlier version (pre 7.x) now have channels added randomly and because we cant acces the chase we cannot reove those unwanted channels.

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Hi Klaas,

1 hour ago, Klaas said:

when you say tap your chase button, i dont understand how that should work, we have a lot of playback on high cue numbers, holding shift and clicking on them on the external screen does not do anything. 

By "chase's button", I mean the physical button below the playback that has a chase recorded onto it.

1 hour ago, Klaas said:

Here is also a picture of the popup, no options for chase or stack.

1 hour ago, Klaas said:

We are doing a workaround triggering a chase from a playback instead of programming it into the cuelist directly.

In ZerOS 7.9 and later, the ability to record multiple steps into a single cue was removed. Instead, you can now record multiple cues onto the "submaster" faders.

If you haven't seen it already, I'd recommend watching the video below...


1 hour ago, Klaas said:

Right now we also fight with quite frequent crashes on 7.10, also adding the debug file here.

Very sorry to hear this. Thank you very much for attaching the debug file from your console. We are currently aware of a potential crash on Solution consoles running ZerOS 7.10, related to viewing the Fixture Levels window. Our software team are currently investigating this. I have shared your debug file with them, to aid in their investigations.

If you wish to roll back your console's software to ZerOS 7.9.9, which is the previous software version, this can be downloaded from the link below...


Installation instructions are available here...


1 hour ago, Klaas said:

Just some channels though, we cant figure out why some are turning on and some are staying off. how can we get the playback to take precedence over the current cue (which only has 0 values in it). neither HTP nor LTP have any effect.

The wierdest part is that some chases which were programmed in an earlier version (pre 7.x) now have channels added randomly and because we cant acces the chase we cannot reove those unwanted channels.

Would you be able to email me a copy of your current show file to support@zero88.com? If so, please provide a description of which cues and fixtures seem to be causing you problems, and we will investigate.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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