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Multicell fixture works incorrectly.


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Hi everyone.

Since the ORB XF branch is closed, I write here.

Updated to version 7.10 and finally thought to apply multiple pixel luminaires, but it was not here. In the library under my fixtures (Briteq LED Pixel bar RGB), there were no multichannel settings (12,24,48.50 channel) recommended Showtec LED Light Bar 16 (48Ch), which is already included in the library. Checked at Phantom ZeroOS 7.10. Everything works. I applied a patch on the console, it works, but there were problems. When you select fixtures, you can apply only intensity. Color change wheels do not work, works only in picker mode, from the mouse monitor. Also, the FAN of colors does not work. The option with LED-RGB (3Ch) is not considered, because 8 LED Pixel bar is involved, too many devices are obtained in the universe.

What can be done about it?

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Hi Alex,

2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

Since the ORB XF branch is closed, I write here.

The Orb section of the forum is still available, so I have moved this topic...


2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

When you select fixtures, you can apply only intensity. Color change wheels do not work, works only in picker mode, from the mouse monitor. Also, the FAN of colors does not work.

Please see the link below, for information on controlling multicell fixtures...


Would you be able to talk me through the steps you are taking? Once you have selected a fixture, for example "10 Enter", the encoder wheels can be used to control all cells together. If you move the "Red" encoder wheel, what happens? To select an individual cell, you can then type "10 . 2 Enter" for example.

If you are using the Colour Picker on an external touchscreen that does not support multitouch, you will not be able to fan colours across your fixtures.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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2 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Would you be able to talk me through the steps you are taking? Once you have selected a fixture, for example "10 Enter", the encoder wheels can be used to control all cells together. If you move the "Red" encoder wheel, what happens? To select an individual cell, you can then type "10 . 2 Enter" for example.

Yes, I select the "900 Enter" fixture the encoder wheel controls the intensity of all cells, select the "Color" button, the "RGB" encoder wheels do not display color values and do not change them. The same happens when "900.1 Enter" is selected. But on the external monitor, you can change the values with a trackball or a mouse in the COLOR menu.


2 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

If you are using the Colour Picker on an external touchscreen that does not support multitouch, you will not be able to fan colours across your fixtures.

How do I understand that if you use a regular monitor, you will not be able to use FAN colors?

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Hi Alex,

19 minutes ago, AlexSky said:

I select the "900 Enter" fixture the encoder wheel controls the intensity of all cells, select the "Color" button, the "RGB" encoder wheels do not display color values and do not change them. The same happens when "900.1 Enter" is selected.

Thank you for the information. Please select the fixture, and then tap the COLOUR key. Then tap "Wheels" at the bottom of the external monitor, to view the Wheels desktop. What do the onscreen wheels display at the top of the window? If you drag the onscreen wheels, do the values change correctly?

Are your encoder wheels working correctly with other fixtures?

24 minutes ago, AlexSky said:

do I understand that if you use a regular monitor, you will not be able to use FAN colors?

That is correct. If you use a standard monitor with a mouse, or a single-touch touchscreen, you will not be able to fan colours across the colour picker. Colour picker fanning is done by using 2 points of contact within the colour picker, and so a multitouch screen is required. Alternatively, you could use a tablet running the ZerOS Monitor app, as this will also allow you to use multitouch on the colour picker.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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1 hour ago, Edward Z88 said:

Please select the fixture, and then tap the COLOUR key. Then tap "Wheels" at the bottom of the external monitor, to view the Wheels desktop. What do the onscreen wheels display at the top of the window? If you drag the onscreen wheels, do the values change correctly?

I tried, only intensity works as well. The "RED" "GREEN" "BLUE" values are not displayed, and the values are not changed. Maybe it's about the fixture?


1 hour ago, Edward Z88 said:

That is correct. If you use a standard monitor with a mouse, or a single-touch touchscreen, you will not be able to fan colours across the colour picker. Colour picker fanning is done by using 2 points of contact within the colour picker, and so a multitouch screen is required. Alternatively, you could use a tablet running the ZerOS Monitor app, as this will also allow you to use multitouch on the colour picker.

And whether in the future any ability to change FAN values will be implemented using the function keys above the trackball, for example. As in the pan/tilt grid field using the center key.

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Hi Alex,

16 minutes ago, AlexSky said:

I tried, only intensity works as well. The "RED" "GREEN" "BLUE" values are not displayed, and the values are not changed. Maybe it's about the fixture?

Would you be able to take a picture of this screen, and email it to support@zero88.com? If so this will aid us in understanding what may be going on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Alex,

Edward passed your show file to me to look at on a physical Orb XF desk, so far i have not been able to replicate the issue that you have reported.

To confirm the first fixture is 901, as you mention 900 further up this the thread which as far as i can see from does not exist.

When selecting 901 and pressing enter i see intensity and RGB appear on the wheels. if i then do 901. then it expands and i can get access to the individual cells.

any combination of 901.x to to 908.x always show intensity and RGB on the wheels when selected.

One thing to confirm when you press the colour button on the desk does the LED in the button light up or does it stay lit on one of the other attributes?

We assume the wheels work ok for all the other fixtures. 

to trouble shoot this further it would helpful to setup a teams call or face time call to look at the issue live. please contact the support@zero88.com mail address to do that.


Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com

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Hi guys,

Digging into the problem, unexpectedly solved it, the problem turned out to be in the choice of cell order reversal settings. I had a "cell order reversal," "Yes." As soon as I canceled the value, everything worked properly. Maybe the difficulty lies somewhere there. Temporarily changed the reverse in the devices.

While this is a temporary solution, I will wait for new updates.


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Hi Alex,

37 minutes ago, AlexSky said:

Digging into the problem, unexpectedly solved it, the problem turned out to be in the choice of cell order reversal settings. I had a "cell order reversal," "Yes." As soon as I canceled the value, everything worked properly. Maybe the difficulty lies somewhere there. Temporarily changed the reverse in the devices.

Thanks very much for investigating this further. We have found the cause of the issue, which temporarily disables the colour encoders, when a linear multicell fixture's cells are reversed. This issue is logged as reference number ZOS-10887 on our software tracking system.

This issue will be fixed in the next ZerOS software update.

Thanks again for your help finding this issue, and apologies for the inconvenience this causes in the meantime.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


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Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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During the investigation, I found another error, but it turned out to be floating, and I don't always detect it.

The bottom line is as follows, when choosing LED devices, conditionally selecting the red color of the wheel, you need to remove the selections from the other wheels. Holding "undo" I turn any wheel and the remote crashes. When restarting, repeating the sequence, everything passes.

I have this bug appearing in the fixture "Briteq LED Mega Beam (6 ch)".

If I manage to detect this bug again, I will send it to the technical support email.


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Hi Alex,

2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

The bottom line is as follows, when choosing LED devices, conditionally selecting the red color of the wheel, you need to remove the selections from the other wheels. Holding "undo" I turn any wheel and the remote crashes. When restarting, repeating the sequence, everything passes.

Sorry to hear this. On OrbXF consoles, holding UNDO and jogging an encoder wheel, will Knockout that parameter. For information on Knockout, see the link below...


I have spent some time testing this, and haven't yet been able to replicate.

2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

If I manage to detect this bug again, I will send it to the technical support email.

This would be very helpful. Thanks very much.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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