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USB hubs


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I have been trying with variable success to use a USB hub, both powered and unpowered with our FLX S48. At the moment only one USB outlet is functioning so in order to have a touch screen monitor, keyboard and mouse, some sort of hub is required. Suddenly the desk will seize up during plotting and I have discovered the only solution is to remove the hub and plug the monitor only into the USB. Of course a reboot is necessary. Sadly this action wipes the fault logging.

The desk was due to go back to Zero88 just as the pandemic hit. Hopefully we can get it back to you to repair the non-working USB outlet soon soon.

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Hi @terryb

Thank you for the information. Sorry to hear one of your console's USB ports is not working.

I would only recommend using powered USB hubs with FLX S48 consoles. Would you be able to send me a link to the USB hub you are using?

19 minutes ago, terryb said:

Suddenly the desk will seize up during plotting and I have discovered the only solution is to remove the hub

When the console freezes, does the internal touchscreen freeze too, or is it just the front panel controls and DMX outputs?

20 minutes ago, terryb said:

plug the monitor only into the USB.

Some touchscreen monitors have a USB hub built-in - does yours have this functionality?

17 minutes ago, terryb said:

The desk was due to go back to Zero88 just as the pandemic hit. Hopefully we can get it back to you to repair the non-working USB outlet soon soon.

Please drop us an email to support@zero88.com including your console's full serial number, and we will be able to get back to you. Feel free to email us a picture of the serial number sticker if that is easier.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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OK, here goes.

I can't tell you for the moment which hubs I have used. I will get back to you with that.

Everything freezes, External and internal touch screens . Playback controls, literally everything is unresponsive. I did notice on two occasions that there was little run of fader lights as in a boot up but not the full desk. 

The monitor is a liyma touch screen and does not have a built in hub.

I will sort out console details and get back to you Edward. I was going to bring the desk down to you just before the pandemic hit. I had to shield and I believe there were travel restrictions into Wales. So it got put off. 

Thanks for your reply


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Hi Terry,

7 minutes ago, terryb said:

Everything freezes, External and internal touch screens . Playback controls, literally everything is unresponsive. I did notice on two occasions that there was little run of fader lights as in a boot up but not the full desk. 

Thanks for the information. Really sorry to hear this. Would you also be able to confirm the software version currently running on the console? You can find this by tapping the Z/Shift button, and choosing System Information from the internal touchscreen. The latest software for FLX S consoles is ZerOS 7.10.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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