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what this means...?? FERAM Read failure...


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hi Everyone

in the Systemtext is something writen what looks for me like a warning (??)

does somebody knowes what this means?


FERAM Read failure at 0x0008DF00, retries remaining: 4NVR retention check OK


I found this allready several Times but didn't get attention to it, cause the Desk work proberly.

But now i am short time befor a premiere and i am not shure if this massage should makes me nervous. ;)

denks a lot for answers...Luk




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Hi @LLuk

7 hours ago, LLuk said:

I found this allready several Times but didn't get attention to it, cause the Desk work proberly.

But now i am short time befor a premiere and i am not shure if this massage should makes me nervous.

This message is nothing to worry about. The end of this line of System Text states "NVR retention check OK.", meaning your console is operating normally.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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