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UPDATE a cue


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J'ai crée une sequence que pour mes dimmers.

Je voudrais y intégrer les couleurs de mes parleds sans l'intensité, afin d'avoir la main sur l'intensité pendant le show grâce à un palayback d'intensité. Impossoble d'enregistrer que la couleur.

Voici, ce que je fait, par exemple pour la CUE 1 :

Je sélectionne mes ADJ, je met du violet, je UPDATE que la couleur. Mais ça n'enregistre pas. Si j'enregistre l'intensité ça fonctionne. 

Sur un autre show, j'ai déjà fait des séquences de couleur sans les intensités, comme ça, je sélectionne la cue de couleur et je monte l'intensité quand je le souhaite. Je passe par RECORD et là je n'ia pas de problème.

Je ne comprends pas pouruqoi ici ça ne fonctionne pas. 

je me triture les méninge depuis pas mal de temps. 

Pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Je vous joins le fichier. 




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Hi Delfine,

This is a situation where you will need to turn off SmartTag.

I think the process will be:

  1. Go into the Cue
  2. On your PARLEDs, make the intensity >0% so you can see them lit, then set the colour as required.
  3. Set the intensity of your PARLEDs back to 0%
  4. UPDATE and turn off SmartTag

As Edward explained in another thread, if SmartTag is turned on, the console will only record other tagged parameters if the intensity is >0%.

If you turn off SmartTag, then the parameters that are tagged in the Programmer will be recorded into the cue regardless of intensity.


For your intensity playback, you will also need to turn SmartTag off (probably), since you will only want to record intensity values and not colour/beamshape/position parameters.


I hope this helps. Edward will probably give a better and more complete explanation later, but I hope this helps if you are trying to programme now.




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Yes ! Thanks a lot ! I've never used "Smartag" and like i have a big sequence to do, i'm trying that, but i don't undestand a lot about that.

I undestand that you're saying. Sure, i don't use smartag when i di the cues of colors. I forget. So, good, it's working no !

But, it's not very clear for me "smartag". 

thnaks a lot. I try to speak english but i'm sure you're understanding me :)


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55 minutes ago, delfine said:

thnaks a lot. I try to speak english but i'm sure you're understanding me :)

Delfine - your English is good. Better than my French! You are having a technical conversation with specialist terminology which makes it extra hard! You are doing fine!

SmartTag=on = common usage

SmartTag=off = advanced usage

Usually if you are programming a sequential cue stack, SmartTag is normal.

If you are splitting parameters and need detailed control of what is recorded (or updated) then usually you will need SmartTag off so the user has precise control.

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12 hours ago, kgallen said:

I hope this helps. Edward will probably give a better and more complete explanation later, but I hope this helps if you are trying to programme now.

Thanks @kgallen, you've hit the nail on the head with this...

11 hours ago, kgallen said:

SmartTag=on = common usage

SmartTag=off = advanced usage

@delfine if you have any  questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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