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Black out, moves will not stop


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Hi all, on my FLX S24

i have cue where the moves are going around the room. The next cue on the master playback is a black out. 
but for this and the cues next, the moves will not stop moving.

even if I cue them in the next scene on stage they then start to move again. 

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26 minutes ago, TEGA said:

i have cue where the moves are going around the room. The next cue on the master playback is a black out. 
but for this and the cues next, the moves will not stop moving.

even if I cue them in the next scene on stage they then start to move again. 

I have just replied to your email to support@zero88.com. For the benefit of others reading this thread, my reply as follows:

When a fixture is at 0% intensity, and you record it into a cue, by default the only value that will get stored is the intensity value, with remaining parameters continuing to do what they are currently doing. This is to aid in behaviour such as Move On Dark. However, in cases where you need to tell fixtures to turn off, and stop running an effect, you can record the cue by holding SHIFT and tapping the RECORD button. This will then also store the "No Effect" instruction into the cue.

To repair the existing cue, go into the cue, and apply the No Effect palette. Then hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, followed by tapping the Z button, and typing in the cue number. You can then tap the flashing master playback's button, and confirm you wish to overwrite the cue. You will now find the movers are stopped and in blackout when you go into the cue.

The main reason for this behaviour, is a Record option called "SmartTag". If you'd like to learn more about the Record Options, please see the link below...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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