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Default levels update bug with a particular generic fixture


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Hi guys, I’m merrily migrating our rig from the Leapfrog to the S24, tidying up and consolidating where necessary.

Wanting to minimise red entries in the fixture list, I have been matching up fixtures in the database.

The issue is in relation to 4 channel RGBW tape which was fine with the original profile. I converted the fixtures to “Generic/ LED-RGBW/4 channel 8 bit” and it  seemed to work fine but I noticed when I updated the default I0/R255/G255/B255/W0 to 0/255/255/255/255 with “record/home/default” the fixture went back to 0/255/255/255/0 when released, the white level was not saved, it is only recording four parameters.

Led tape being what it is, we have default levels with a mix of the four colours as a starting point.

Pressing home brought up intensity as expected but  if I dialled up the white then saved with “record/home/home” that worked fine in subsequent selections and home presses, saving all five parameters. 

I can provide a showfile on request although it should be possible to replicate this very quickly from an empty showfile. This is software 7.9.9 and library 2.01.

Not urgent as I have reverted back to the home grown fixture file.




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Hi Ian,

37 minutes ago, delicolor said:

The issue is in relation to 4 channel RGBW tape which was fine with the original profile. I converted the fixtures to “Generic/ LED-RGBW/4 channel 8 bit” and it  seemed to work fine but I noticed when I updated the default I0/R255/G255/B255/W0 to 0/255/255/255/255 with “record/home/default” the fixture went back to 0/255/255/255/0 when released, the white level was not saved, it is only recording four parameters.

From your description, it sounds as though you are recording the default values with SmartTag enabled. When SmartTag is enabled, the console will not record a fixture's parameters if its intensity is at 0. This is why recording the home values is capturing the parameters correctly. Therefore firstly delete the current incorrect custom default values to get back to default (tap DELETE, and then the Home icon, and choose Defaults). Then press and hold RECORD to open the Record Options window, and ensure SmartTag is disabled, indicated with a blue stripe. You can then tap RECORD to save and close. You can then go ahead and record the desired defaults. For more information see the link below...


Information on SmartTag is available here...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Ah, that old chestnut…

It was indeed on smartTag for the default testing.

For my actual showfile, I’m not seeing SmartTag in the record option page, nor tracking. Here is a quick screen grab to show. I’m not quite certain why it is doing this.

This show file has been edited and moved between Leapfrog 48, phantom Solution, Phantom S24 and S24 numerous times so maybe it is time to recreate the show from a clean install…


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I’ve worked out where the missing settings went, I had changed the tracking options from enabled to cue only in record and update settings. I had mixed it up with cue only tracking in record options.

All fine now, thanks for the nudges in the right direction.

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Hi Ian,

14 hours ago, delicolor said:

I’ve worked out where the missing settings went, I had changed the tracking options from enabled to cue only in record and update settings. I had mixed it up with cue only tracking in record options.

All fine now, thanks for the nudges in the right direction.

Glad to hear you were able to adjust the fixture Default values. For information on Record Options, Tracking, and the global Tracking options, see the link below...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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