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What is the best way to start a show ?

Rob McDonald

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Hi Rob,

As best practice, it is usually best to power the FLX console first, and then the fixtures. If you have fixtures that without the presence of DMX will go into an auto mode, having the FLX powered first will mean they will boot straight into DMX receive mode, as there will already be DMX present when they boot up.

From a safety point of view, connecting the console first prior to powering the system, will ensure that the console is earthed. This doesn't require for the console to be switched on though. For more information see below...


Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Everything Edward says is, of course, correct. I would add another reason which is that many dimmers remember their last state until they get a new DMX signal. From this it follows that the last state on the desk should be all intensities to zero with the desk turned off last.

That said, in our venue, the main power switches for the dimmers are in the dimmer room, nearer the stage door than the desk position (I pass it on the way in while dragging my desk behind me) so I turn them on first, then its the desk, power to the DMX fixtures and lamp-on to the moving heads (when I'm ready to use them). Been doing it that way for 20yrs, along with the other lampies with no issues (and still on the original dimmers). While the above is best some justifiable variations might be possible depending on the rig.

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2 hours ago, Davidmk said:

While the above is best some justifiable variations might be possible depending on the rig.

Couldn’t agree more. Fundamentally it is down to your particular system, and if there are benefits to powering the console after the devices you’re controlling then that makes sense. The only “rule” we would advise is to ensure the console is earthed prior to connecting other devices to it.

If you get into more complex network systems, you can easily get into the situations where you may have multiple controllers, and so of course the order the system is powered will be down to the system design.

If you are using DMX relays to power the fixtures in the rig, such as our RigSwitch cabinets, then these allow you to remotely power the rig on and off from the console.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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15 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:

The only “rule” we would advise is to ensure the console is earthed prior to connecting other devices to it.

That's a point. I'll try and make the desk is connected to power before anything else. I don't think I had a fixed order, can't remember, its been so long :(

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