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FLX Strange Fader Behaviour


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Hi everyone,

so while getting things ready for my first piece of work coming up soon for quite some time the hand of doom has visited. 
Faders 1,2 and 3 are acting up. If I raise 1 the intensity on 2 also raises. I can also touch fader 2 while it is in the low position and the intensity flickers. Fader 3 intensity also flickers and changes intensity outputs.
Has anyone seen this before please. I have a week to get this sorted ?


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Hi Mac,

53 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

while getting things ready for my first piece of work coming up soon for quite some time

Really glad to hear your FLX is going to see some action again. 

53 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

Faders 1,2 and 3 are acting up. If I raise 1 the intensity on 2 also raises. I can also touch fader 2 while it is in the low position and the intensity flickers. Fader 3 intensity also flickers and changes intensity outputs.

Have you booted the console into test mode? If not please see the link below for more information...


Do your faders exhibit the same behaviour in test mode? If they do, I’d recommend using a can of air duster, and spraying this into the faders causing problems, and work them up and down. This will clear any dirt and grime that may be causing them to register incorrectly.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Ed,

I tried your suggestion and the 'Test' Mode showed no issue with the faders.  I did visit Mr Screwfix yesterday for the can of air duster and applied that afterwards also

Fingers crossed it has not occurred again.  I really dont know what this was....  very weird but hopefully that is it now.

Thanks very much again for your help (especially at the weekend) hugely appreciated.



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Hi Mac,

22 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

I tried your suggestion and the 'Test' Mode showed no issue with the faders.  I did visit Mr Screwfix yesterday for the can of air duster and applied that afterwards also

Thanks for the update. If there was any grime in the faders causing issues, it sounds like this may have cleared. 

23 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

Thanks very much again for your help (especially at the weekend) hugely appreciated.

No problem at all.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Ed, I hope this finds you extremely well.  As usual I am contacting you again out of the blue only because I continue to have a problem with the desk….. my apologies.

The desk has not had much use at all and after using some compressed air and fingers crossed it seemed to clear for a while. However the problem has recurred again and it affected fandom faders i.e. I could be adjusting no fader however other random faders will increase in intensity from Zero.

I had a colleague borrow the desk last week and he seen the same thing. He also mentioned he had the same problem with an Orb.

Can I please have some advice on how to get this problem finally resolved. I need it sorted pretty soon as there is some work on the horizon. Thanks in advance for your help !!!


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Have you had the case open? I opened mine up because I had a screen issue and suspected something coming loose through vibration in transit. Anyway, when you separate the bottom of the case from the top it is possible to dislodge a ribbon cable that runs a from board mounted on the front panel to one in the base. When it happened to me, I had symptoms similar to those you describe although they did show up in test mode. Relocating the ribbon cable fixed them. Might be worth checking if you have already dabbled in the internals.

Edward is away at ProSound ATM, back next week. You could, of course, email support@zero88.com if you are in a hurry.


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21 hours ago, Davidmk said:

Have you had the case open? I opened mine up because I had a screen issue and suspected something coming loose through vibration in transit. Anyway, when you separate the bottom of the case from the top it is possible to dislodge a ribbon cable that runs a from board mounted on the front panel to one in the base. When it happened to me, I had symptoms similar to those you describe although they did show up in test mode. Relocating the ribbon cable fixed them. Might be worth checking if you have already dabbled in the internals.

Edward is away at ProSound ATM, back next week. You could, of course, email support@zero88.com if you are in a hurry.


Hi Davidmk, thanks for the info. I had the case open a few years back to replace the battery. Since you had the same symptoms I will give it another look. I will hang on and see what Ed advises. Thanks again.

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Hi @Uriahdemon

I am very well thank you, hope you are too. Apologies for the delayed reply - as @Davidmk mentions, I was at ProLight + Sound last week.

On 4/25/2022 at 8:17 PM, Uriahdemon said:

the problem has recurred again and it affected fandom faders i.e. I could be adjusting no fader however other random faders will increase in intensity from Zero.

Please boot the console into Test Mode as you did the last time you encountered issues with your faders. Please work each fader up and down, and make a note of any faders that don't respond correctly, or affect other faders. 

Once you have determined the faulty faders, the next step would be to squirt a small amount of Servisol Super 10 switch contact cleaner into the fader tracks and work them up and down. If there is any dirt or grime in the fader, this should clear it, to allow the fader to register correctly. Please go sparingly with the switch cleaner – too much can cause irreparable damage to the fader. After doing this, you can then boot the console again, to see if this has improved the faders.

If cleaning the faders hasn’t helped, the faders will need to be replaced. Spare faders are available to purchase if you wish to carry out the repair yourself, or the faders can be replaced by one of our service centres.

I hope this information is useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:55 PM, Uriahdemon said:

Thanks very much Ed, I will take your advice and see what happens.

Where are the service centres please....??

Rgds Mac

I'm in Coventry in the UK - WhiteLight in Wimbledon also offer Service. Not sure who else in the UK or Europe but @KWR88 will be along with an offer to pass you details of your nearest service centre soon I'm sure :)

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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So got a hold of some Servisol Super 10 and it seems to have resolved the problems and fingers crossed.  The faders do seem a bit sticky but hopefully that will resolve itself. I also took the time to remove the rear of the desk and change the internal battery,  again fingers crossed and all good.   Thanks very much for the help from everyone, really very much appreciated indeed  !!


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Hi @Uriahdemon

On 5/14/2022 at 9:52 PM, Uriahdemon said:

So got a hold of some Servisol Super 10 and it seems to have resolved the problems and fingers crossed.  The faders do seem a bit sticky but hopefully that will resolve itself. I also took the time to remove the rear of the desk and change the internal battery,  again fingers crossed and all good.   Thanks very much for the help from everyone, really very much appreciated indeed  !!

Pleased to hear the switch cleaner seemed to do the trick. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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