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FLX S 48 and capture using CAT5E


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Hi, I have been trying to connect my FLX S 48 to capture (Mac OS) for a while but i'm struggling. 

I have the desk connected to the Mac via a CAT 5E cable. I have patched a few dimmers, movers LEDs... into capture and the desk. Under the universes tab in setup, Streaming ACN and Art-Net 4 are disabled, CITP is enabled, and Static IP address is selected. Settings are as follows:

IP address:

Subnet mask: 255.255.0


Not sure if these are set correctly. Also, what do I have to do change on the Mac and how do I do this?? 




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Hi James,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

57 minutes ago, James_Hastingsss said:

Not sure if these are set correctly. Also, what do I have to do change on the Mac and how do I do this?? 

If you are using a single Ethernet cable between Capture and your Mac, you won’t need to worry about setting the Router IP on the FLX S48 CITP settings. However, your IP address of the CITP protocol on FLX S48, must be in range of the IP address of your Mac. Your FLX S48 CITP must have the same subnet as your Mac.

Therefore if you wish to use the IP of for your FLX S48 CITP settings, set the subnet to, and then change your Mac’s IP address to 192.168.1.x (x could be any number between 1-254, which doesn’t conflict with your FLX S48), also with a subnet of 

After changing the IP address of your Mac, I’d recommend restarting Capture, and FLX S48 and Capture should then be talking.

(I have moved the topic into the FLX S forum, rather than FLX forum).

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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