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FLX S Save Show Version Naming


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I saved a show as morley dance sept 2020 . When trying different functions on the desk, to become more familiar with it, , I used the Z/Shift Save Show several times to see how the version numbering occurs. In this case it saved the show as morley dance sept 2021 , then morley dance sept 2022 , then morley dance sept 2023.

This is an inconvenient way to show the different versions of the show, as next year I might do a dance show at morley which I would name as morley dance 2021 and find myself being asked do I want to overwrite an existing file.

What is the numbering format for saved shows, I thought it might append a number at the end of the show file name.

morley dance sept 2023.isf morley dance sept 2020.isf

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5 hours ago, DALX said:

What is the numbering format for saved shows, I thought it might append a number at the end of the show file name.

Using the save icon top left of the internal touchscreen, or using the Z/Shift -> Save Show button, will save a new copy of the show file to USB with the next sequential number on the end of the show file name automatically. Therefore as your show file name ends with a number, it will simply increment the number.

To avoid this with your show file, I would recommend adding a number to the end of the show name. If it was me, I would do this following an "r" for revision number, such as "morley dance sept 2020 r1". The last number will then be incremented by the quick save option, allowing you keep track of revisions throughout making changes to the show file.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On a parallel note...

If you must put a date in a file name then using international standard date format (year month day) will keep your versions in order (when sorted by file name). So rather than "morely dance sept 2020 r1" call your file "morely dance 2020 09 r1"

Just a suggestion of course.


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