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No fx palettes


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I updated to the latest version and have lost all fx palettes. Automatic create also does not do anything. The only palette I see is no effect. 

I already went through my patch list and changed all fixture profiles so that they are not showing red.

All help is very welcome.


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Hi Lehar,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

59 minutes ago, Lehar said:

I updated to the latest version and have lost all fx palettes. Automatic create also does not do anything. The only palette I see is no effect. 

Sorry to hear this. What software version were you running previously, and how did you update to ZerOS 7.9.8?

I would recommend loading ZerOS Library into your console. To do this, please download the ZerOS Library file below...


Once downloaded, copy the .zlbr file to the root of a USB stick.

Then plug into your console, tap Setup -> Load, and choose the Library file to load in from USB. Once compete, you will then be able to power cycle the console, and you should find the library is updated, to give you access to the 45 auto effects.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I did install the library and repatched all fixtures one by one. All the gobos and other stuff are working fine and beam&shape are now divided correctly on fixtures.

I was running the latest version before the update and did the update just as in the instructions. Downloaded the file and put it on a usb stick. Then under setup->load selected the new version and loaded it.

After that I installed the new library and repatched all fixtures.

I'll try reinstalling the library, it seems like palettes don't see any of the fixtures.

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Hi Lehar,

23 minutes ago, Lehar said:

Installed the library again, even installed the OS again. Now it will not boot up. The page display keeps going in a circle and that's it.

At what point did the console fail to boot? Was this after the library update, or after performing the software update again? Was power lost, or the USB drive removed during one of these updates?

To recover your FLX console, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8, and run the ZerOS 7.9.8.exe on a Windows PC. This will allow you to create a bootable USB drive to recover the console. For more information, see below...


If you have any questions, please do let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Got it working. 

I installed the the library file, removed usb, touched ok and power off/on. Everything worked but no fx palettes. Then the same for OS. But it didn’t boot up. Tried holding shift/F1 and other combos in the manual, nothing. 

when I inserted the usb drive to a PC, it showed errors and didn’t even format. Unfortunately, all my latest showfiles were on that drive, stupid me. 

Took another usb and did recovery and got it booting again. Now I just have to remake a 100+ cue show with three universes of stuff. 

I haven’t checked the fx palettes yet. 

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Hi Lehar,

2 hours ago, Lehar said:

Got it working. 

Great, glad to hear you have recovered the console.

2 hours ago, Lehar said:

Unfortunately, all my latest showfiles were on that drive, stupid me. 

Whoops! Sorry to hear that.

2 hours ago, Lehar said:

I haven’t checked the fx palettes yet. 

OK - let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Got back to the desk today.

I built a new patch in the latest PhantomOS and everything works there. Took that file to the mixer then and all the palettes are grey exept no fx. And if I then select 'automatically create  ..' then all the 45 fx are removed.

Color, beam and shape palettes work fine. 

I have run out of ideas.


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Hi Lehar,

Sorry to hear this. The auto effects are contained in the ZerOS Library. It therefore seems this hasn't loaded correctly on your console. The show file you have attached to your post - was this saved on your FLX or on Phantom? This show file does contain 45 effect palettes.

On 10/24/2020 at 9:50 AM, Lehar said:

I have run out of ideas.

I feel it may be worth doing a fresh install of ZerOS 7.9.8, using the normal installation method, rather than the recovery method. Therefore please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8 here...


Then extract to the root of a USB stick, and plug the USB stick into FLX. Then tap Setup -> Load, and perform the installation.

Please let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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