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Posted (edited)

Hello Support-Team,

since i purchased my FLX S24 in May 2019 i get quite frequent (approx. every second boot, mostly when starting the console freshly after some minutes or longer Off-Time)

Co-Processor errors prompted during startups. Multiple Software updates didnt help. Also when unplugging my USB-hub and Eth-Router i can observe this behaviour.

The result of spotting such a Co-Processor Error is a non-functional console.

The buttons, faders and display is "laggy" compared to normal operation and DMX output is completely random.

Errors encoutered so far in descending order of frequency:

Communication Errors reported by Co-Processor: 1, 0, 0, 0

3, 0, 0, 0

5, 0, 0, 0

Errors may occur during both phases: "Initialsing..." and "Load Show"


Did you hear of the issue yet? Does my console have a hw-fault? May i return it in replacement of another console?



Edited by Edward- Z88
Link removed to hide the console’s serial number.

Hi Stefan,

Really sorry to hear this. Thanks very much for linking to a video of the issue. 

When the issues are shown, do you always have your USB hub connected? If so please could you send a link to the USB hub you are using? If you disconnect the USB hub, do the issues go away? This potentially sounds like a power issue, and the hub is trying to draw too much current from the USB ports.

If you have any questions please let us know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

1 hour ago, beppern89 said:

I uploaded a video of one faulty boot-up here:

I have removed the link to the video in your post, to protect your console’s serial number. Please keep the video link active though, so our software team can take a look.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Hi Edward,

thanks for the quick response and for "hiding" my S/N.

I also thought about the hub and had some tries with disconnected usb, eth, and also dmx lines. However I could still reproduce the issue multiple times with varying error numbers.

(Btw: The hub is self-powered)




Hi Stefan,

14 hours ago, beppern89 said:

I also thought about the hub and had some tries with disconnected usb, eth, and also dmx lines. However I could still reproduce the issue multiple times with varying error numbers.

OK thanks for the information. So to confirm, have you seen the issue when the console has had nothing connected to it, other than power?

I have sent your video link to the software team for them to investigate. This is logged on our software tracking system as reference number ZOS-9368.

If you have any questions please let us know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Have a similar problem as Stefan with a desk purchased earlier this year.

Try this:-

1. Unplug the power lead to the desk from the power brick.

2. Apply power to the brick,wait 30secs approx then plug in the power lead to the desk.

Not very elegant but this seems to give a clean boot with no errors.

Would it be ok to try a different power brick with the same spec?




Hi Paul,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

40 minutes ago, Paul Hotchkiss said:

Have a similar problem as Stefan with a desk purchased earlier this year.

Sorry to hear this. Many thanks for the information. 

Similar to what Stefan is seeing, do you also see this on your FLX S with nothing but power connected to the console?

If there's any other information you may have on the issue please let us know, as it will help us get to the bottom of what may be going on.

Many thanks,


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Hi Edward,yes can confirm this happens with only the power connected.

Further, if only the network is connected it nearly always fails to boot fully.

Gets as far as initialising but always reboots fine.

Thank you for your kind attention.



Hi Paul,

Thanks very much for the information, that is useful to know.

We will continue our investigations.

2 hours ago, Paul Hotchkiss said:

Would it be ok to try a different power brick with the same spec?

I would definitely recommend using the PSU supplied with the console, or a replacement from us. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Hi Edward,

Thank you and your software team for following this up.

Just to confirm that after exercising the power plug/socket connector several times with the power off am pleased to say the console has now booted clean more than a dozen times.

The console will be in  use for a training program  for the next few weeks.

Will let you know if the boot issue happens again.

  Once again thanks for your prompt attention.




Hi Paul,

2 hours ago, Paul Hotchkiss said:

Just to confirm that after exercising the power plug/socket connector several times with the power off am pleased to say the console has now booted clean more than a dozen times.

That's great, glad to hear you have not come across this issue recently.

2 hours ago, Paul Hotchkiss said:

Will let you know if the boot issue happens again.

Keep me posted and if it does happen again we'll get this resolved.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

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