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Art-Net/sACN and Remote IP


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We have a FLX S24 and connected to out existing network with Ethernet cable (internet access is disabled from the router firewall on our network).

FLX S24 - Remote IP
Can connect to iOS Remote App and working fine on the network.

Now going to setup Art-Net for this console.

Plan is to assign Desk Universe 4 to Art-Net Universe 4 and control the devices on same Art-Net Universe.


Can the FLX S24 have same Remote IP as the Art-Net IP? If so how to setup?
I prefer not to use multiple IPs on this console. Would like to use same IP ( for Art-Net, sACN etc.



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The console have only one IP in the network. This is used to send out Data like Art-Net or sACN. And you can connect to this IP with the Remote.
Your Art-Net Devices must have different IPs. Every Device in the Network that should be connected to the console should be in the Range 10.0.10.XXX (Depends on your Subnetmask).

The trick is that you have different ports for each IP and Device in the Network. Port 80 normal for HTTP. So you can send and receive different Informations with only one IP adress at the same time.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Hi Thusitha,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

5 hours ago, TPK said:

Can the FLX S24 have same Remote IP as the Art-Net IP? If so how to setup?
I prefer not to use multiple IPs on this console. Would like to use same IP ( for Art-Net, sACN etc.

Yes, it can. Every protocol on FLX S can have its own unique IP, or they can all share an IP address. As you mention, there cannot be another device on the network sharing one of these IP addresses though.

To configure a static IP address for ArtNet, tap SETUP -> Universes -> Art-Net 4 -> Enabled -> Static IP, and then enter your desired IP, subnet, and if required, router IP.

3 hours ago, Erics said:

The trick is that you have different ports for each IP and Device in the Network. Port 80 normal for HTTP. So you can send and receive different Informations with only one IP adress at the same time.

As Erics says, one single device can use the same IP for many different procotols, as the protocols will have their own port.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I do networking (Cisco, etc..) as well and have different VLANs on our network hence wanted to get the whole picture behind routing on the console (S24).

So the Ethernet port is bridged on FLX S24?
Does it have a virtual switch?
Say if we have assigned different IP or each protocol, do they have to be on same subnet (seems like form the technical point of view unless it has VLAN tagging)?


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