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Solution console Art-net Wysiwyg

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je vous contact pour avoir une info sur la compatibilité de connexion entre la console SOLUTION 7.9.6 et WYSIWYG r36

actuellement je les connecte ensemble via un Rj 45 sous et masque 

universe 1 output:1 artnet:0

universe 2 output:2 artnet:1


La connection s’effectue correctement mais seulement le Port 0 fonctionne sur Wyg 

dans le setup -> Device -> Wysiwyg receive output 1 :0 output 2 : 0


Quel est le problème, Avez vous une solution ? 

merci d´avance 

Kevin - Orch Galaxie

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 I contact you for information on the connection compatibility between the SOLUTION 7.9.6 console and WYSIWYG r36

 currently I connect them together via an Rj 45 under and mask

 universe 1 output: 1 artnet: 0

 universe 2 output: 2 artnet: 1


 The connection is made correctly but only Port 0 works on Wyg

 in the setup -> Device -> Wysiwyg receive output 1: 0 output 2: 0


 What's the problem, do you have a solution?

 thank you in advance

Kevin - Orch Galaxie

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Hi Kevin,

1 hour ago, Kevin Coulombeau said:

I contact you for information on the connection compatibility between the SOLUTION 7.9.6 console

Firstly, I would recommend updating your console's software to ZerOS 7.9.7.

1 hour ago, Kevin Coulombeau said:

universe 1 output: 1 artnet: 0

 universe 2 output: 2 artnet: 1

So you are outputting console universe 1 on Art-Net universe 0, and WYSIWYG is set to receive Art-Net universe 0 and patch it to the first universe?

This should work absolutely fine, however if you are having difficulties, start at Art-Net universe 1, rather than universe 0, to avoid confusion.

On Solution, you can do this by tapping SETUP -> Universes -> Art-Net 4 -> Reset to Defaults -> Start at Universe 1.

Then in WYSIWYG, ensure universe A and B are receiving 1 and 2, rather than 0 and 1.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 8/13/2020 at 10:15 AM, Edward- Z88 said:

Hi Kevin,

Firstly, I would recommend updating your console's software to ZerOS 7.9.7.

So you are outputting console universe 1 on Art-Net universe 0, and WYSIWYG is set to receive Art-Net universe 0 and patch it to the first universe?

This should work absolutely fine, however if you are having difficulties, start at Art-Net universe 1, rather than universe 0, to avoid confusion.

On Solution, you can do this by tapping SETUP -> Universes -> Art-Net 4 -> Reset to Defaults -> Start at Universe 1.

Then in WYSIWYG, ensure universe A and B are receiving 1 and 2, rather than 0 and 1.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Hi Edward

I switched to v7.9.7

So, I have taken over all your manipulations, however it does't work.

Only universe 0 leaves the console to go to the Wyg
(in the Setup console> Universes> Desk universes 1 <Art-Net 4: Universe 0) or (in the Setup console> Universes> Desk universes 2 <Art-Net 4: Universe 0)

With the DMX-Workshop driver i receive only universe 0 but not 1 and 2




Kevin - Orch Galaxie

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Hi Kevin,

In your screenshot, as long as ArtNet is enabled and your network settings are correct, WYSIWYG should be receiving desk universe 1 on ArtNet 1, and desk universe 2 on ArtNet 2 respectively. There shouldn’t be any other settings required on the console, other than to ensure your patch is correct.

8 hours ago, Kevin Coulombeau said:

With the DMX-Workshop driver i receive only universe 0 but not 1 and 2

DMX Workshop will not receive data from Solution, as DMX Workshop is seen as a DMX “transmitter”, not a “receiver”. 

If you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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