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Symmetrical effects


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First of all please excuse my poor English, i am French😉

I noticed a strange thing when using effects on my FLX S24, but i noticed exactly the same behaviour on PhantomOS with FLX console:

When creating symmetrical effects, the "Fan V" function  works perfectly for Intensity and Tilt movement, but not on Pan movement. 

I set "Fan V" as a Shift(Z) fonction on the [Setup]+[Effect] window, and it allows me to fan the effect with the Offset wheel and I get very cool "mirror" chases or tilt movements, but not on Pan. I tryed several combinations of "fan V" and "fan middle" in [Setup]+[Effects], [Setup]+[Position] and [Setup]+[Beamshape] windows, i always get the same result. The symmetrical effect does not apply to Pan movements.

Am i doing something wrong?

My goal it to make a symmetrical Circles + chase effect using 6 scans.

Any idea?

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Hi Remi,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

On 5/3/2020 at 5:33 PM, Remi said:

When creating symmetrical effects, the "Fan V" function  works perfectly for Intensity and Tilt movement, but not on Pan movement. 

If you select your movers, apply a circle effect, choose No Offset, and then fan the offset using "Fan V", you will see that the first pair of fixtures pan together, then the next pair, and so on working outwards. This is correct, however what you are after is for example the Stage Right fixtures to mirror the Stage Left fixtures. The easiest way to do that, is tap SETUP, select either the stage right or stage left fixtures, and then under Invert, Invert Both the pan and tilt for these fixtures.

Now if you come out of Setup, select the fixture and simply apply a circle effect, the fixtures will work in/out from the middle.

Changing the invert options will result in all existing programming being affected, so just be aware of this.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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