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iPads as touchscreens for FLX S


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Trying a little experiment with the FLX S24 last night and discovered I can run at least three iPads as touchscreens on the FLX S, using the Monitor and Remote apps.  I was wondering if there was a limit on just how many could be used?

One idiosyncracy I noticed was that, using Monitor on the iPads, if I changed from, say, the Cue window to the Fader window on one iPad, all iPads reflected the change and showed the same window.  However, using the Remore app, I could get screens showing a different, independent window on each, which is much more helpful, but less visually pleasing!  Is there a way of getting a similar, independent screen display using Monitor? 

[Also, just as an aside, I tried to upload a photo of the iPad/FLX S setup,  but got a file upload error - is the upload function having an issue? I got a file parse error (no decode delegate for this image format) and also a “cannot upload files over 563.2 kB error on a 112 kB file?]

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1 hour ago, drscoop said:

I was wondering if there was a limit on just how many could be used?

No, there is no limit to the number of connected remotes/monitors. 

1 hour ago, drscoop said:

using Monitor on the iPads, if I changed from, say, the Cue window to the Fader window on one iPad, all iPads reflected the change and showed the same window.  However, using the Remore app, I could get screens showing a different, independent window on each, which is much more helpful, but less visually pleasing!  Is there a way of getting a similar, independent screen display using Monitor?

That’s odd - all Remotes and Monitors should be able to view independent desktops/displays. In an older software version, all monitors would have to share the same external desktop. Please ensure you are running ZerOS 7.9.7. To confirm, tap Z/Shift -> System Information. 

1 hour ago, drscoop said:

Also, just as an aside, I tried to upload a photo of the iPad/FLX S setup

This is probably the quota limit for your account on the forum. We’ll look to increase this for you. 

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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