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I have actually the 7.9.6 manual.

Do you know if you will do a new manual for the 7.9.7 ?

Or standing about new version 7.9.8 / 7.9.9...?


French version

So I was asking in a other Topic, if you will do a French Version and you told me to have contact with French Importer.  In January they told me that they were indeed going to do this fairly quickly.
Having no news, I rewrote few days ago, and finally the translation is postponed for later.
So I will resume my own translation. (Currently I'm on page 19/20 ...)
So when I finish it (I hope as soon as possible, I will check that my translation is almost incomprehensible to use the FLX.


ZerOS 8

Regarding version 8 of ZerOS, do you have any idea of the new directions you are going to take?

Will you be able to use some of our requests (ZerOS / OS 8 Forum) or you think that too difficult?


PS : Concerning the old Forums that you closed, know when the subjects will reach the right places in the new forum?


Thank you



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


Hi Eric,

11 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

I have actually the 7.9.6 manual.

There will not be a manual for ZerOS 7.9.7, as ZerOS 7.9.7 is only a minor revision of ZerOS 7.9.6.

12 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

Regarding version 8 of ZerOS, do you have any idea of the new directions you are going to take?

Will you be able to use some of our requests (ZerOS / OS 8 Forum) or you think that too difficult?

Feature requests are something we are always keen to listen to. Most feature requests are logged on our system. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to put a date, or a version, when these will be included in ZerOS.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

  • 1 month later...



 Did you have time Edward to have a look on my French Manuel ?



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


Hi Eric,

12 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

 Did you have time Edward to have a look on my French Manuel ?

It is still sat in my inbox at the moment, as we have been very busy with all our online training.

However, I will be taking a look at this, and will email you the steps we’ll need to make to get it on our website. 

Again thanks so much for all your effort and passion for helping others with FLX. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


OK Edward.


Shure that making training Online is taking much time.  I send you lots of good energy. Take care.

So after working on video, I will return to my traduction, for seeing what can be improve.


Have good week 




1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

  • 2 weeks later...
19 hours ago, Transversales said:

Hi Eric,

Can I get a copy of your French manual ? I was making my own translation. I did made an auto translation of the PDF, and was begining to reformulate, when I get here.


Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

We are currently working with @van den abbeele Eric to get his French translation on our website. In the meantime, Eric may be able to give you a copy.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist




No problems for sending a copy and Share our work.





1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

  • 1 month later...



French manual version is still progressing.

I did some texte and picture amelioration, for giving more help for Frenchs users which need help and that are not having a good understanding. 

take care






la version Française avance bien. 

Je continus à améliorer les différents parties de cette notice avec l'ajout de quelques petites choses cotés texte et image, histoire d'aider les français qui ont du mal a bien comprendre l'anglais.


Si vous avez besoin du manuel, n'hésitez pas à demander à Zero88, ou bien me laisser un message ou encore de demander à l'importateur Français Axente.


Une bonne journée à tous



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

  • 2 weeks later...



So French version continue to evolve. (Errors correction, Texts addition and, Images additions / modifications for helping news users)


Even if for the moment it is not yet perfect, in any case, I continue to develop the different sections over the versions. The idea being to be able to best help users who do not know too much about the ZerOS environment and who start on an FLX.

The most complicated for me being to keep the pages as on the English version to allow any user to be able to compare the two versions in case of doubt, or translation error on my part.

A good day to everyone.


this manual is available at Zero88 as well as at Axente France.




la traduction du manuel continuer a évoluer. (correction d'erreurs, ajouts de textes et conseils, ajouts ou modifications d'images.)

Meme si pour l'instant elle n'est pas encore parfaite, en tous les cas, je continue de faire evoluer les différentes sections au fil des versions. L'idée etant de pouvoir aider au mieux des utilisateurs qui ne connaissent pas trop l'environement ZerOS et qui demarent sur une FLX.

Le plus compliqué pour moi etant de conserver les pages comme sur la version anglaise pour permettre à tout utilisateur de pouvoir comparer les deux versions en cas de  doute, ou d'erreur de traduction de ma part.

Une bonne journée a tous.



le manuel est accessible chez Zero88 ainsi que chez Axente.

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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