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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Faulty fader...

O Thompson

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Hi folks, has anyone else experienced this?...


Fader 19 on our console is a little temperamental at the moment. When any pressure is on either the fader (or anywhere along the fader track) the intensity of that fader starts to jump? this doesn't happen on any other fader, and im talking very little pressure... for example when pushing the fader to full, the pressure of removing ones finger from the fader can cause the intensity to jump from 100 - 50, and you need to "tap" the fader to make it jump back to 100...


I have a video clip, but im unable to post it here due to its size...

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Hi Oliver,

I'd recommend getting a can of air duster, and squirting this in the problem fader, and running it up and down with normal pressure applied.

If you then boot the console with SETUP held down, you will then be able to see the fader behaviour on screen. If this fader is still registering incorrect values as you move it, the console may need a replacement fader. 

Feel free to send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can advise on replacement.

If you have any questions let us know.



(I saw your personal message to me, but figured it would make sense to keep this all in one thread).

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward, 

Thanks for the reply. Having used an air duster and booting in test mode, the fader is obviously not functioning correctly. When "delicately" used, the fader test display shows only a 3/4 travel when the physical fader is at full... when a small amount a pressure is applied the test screen shows the fader jumping along the full length of the fader travel. I have emailed support with these details.


Many thanks.

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