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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Moving the Cursor on screen


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I operate an flx with just a monitor, not a touchscreen and like to use a keyboard on the console controls to move around the cue list and set fade times for colours and intensities etc.

Sometimes the "cursor" (the bit I'm selecting with the left, right, up & down arrow keys on the keyboard) gets itself up onto the fixture list so when I move left and right it just moves along the fixtures.

Through some kind of dark art I manage to get it back onto the cue list by pressing the view button lots of times and other buttons but dint know exactly how I've done it.

What is the way, without a touchscreen, to get the cursor down onto the cue list when it is up on the fixture list?


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Hi both,

When you boot the console, by default the selected window is the Output Window, meaning the cursor keys control this. To select the cue list window, press VIEW and then SHIFT + VIEW to go back into the Cues desktop. The cursor keys will navigate the cue list window.

With a Mouse/Touchscreen connected simply tap on the window you want to use. 

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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