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FLX S24 questions


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To advance my learning . . . 3 questions:

Using the Master Playback with a theatre style cue stack

1.  When a cue is live on stage, the Output window shows exactly what all the channels/fixtures are doing. Very useful. Is it possible to preview the view for a cue that isn't currently live?

2. Copying cues. Using the Z button, I frequently copy existing cues into other existing cues (over-writing), meaning I only need minor edits to the new cue.
Is it possible to copy the content of a cue into another existing cue, without over-writing the description ?

3. I've mastered programming a Playback to add lighting to an existing scene. Can I programme a playback to subtract light from an existing scene? eg I hit the playback button (or raise the slider), and certain fixtures go dark for the duration ?

many thanks,  Zulu

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Hi Zulu,

5 minutes ago, Zulu said:

1.  When a cue is live on stage, the Output window shows exactly what all the channels/fixtures are doing. Very useful. Is it possible to preview the view for a cue that isn't currently live?

Preview is only available on FLX, and is unfortunately not available on FLX S consoles (as a handy hack, you could be running your cue stack on Phantom ZerOS on PC running as FLX alongside your FLX S, which will allow you to preview the cues).

5 minutes ago, Zulu said:

2. Copying cues. Using the Z button, I frequently copy existing cues into other existing cues (over-writing), meaning I only need minor edits to the new cue.
Is it possible to copy the content of a cue into another existing cue, without over-writing the description ?

When you copy a cue, you paste a new version of the cue, and therefore don't simply update the existing cue. The existing cue is therefore overwritten, and the name of the copied cue is used.

7 minutes ago, Zulu said:

3. I've mastered programming a Playback to add lighting to an existing scene. Can I programme a playback to subtract light from an existing scene? eg I hit the playback button (or raise the slider), and certain fixtures go dark for the duration ?

If a fixture controls the same lights as another playback, however at a lower level, by default the highest playback will output, as intensity mixes Highest Takes Precedence.

You can however configure playbacks to mix Latest Takes Precedence, so when you raise a playback fixtures fade down to the recorded level. To do this hold SETUP and tap your playback's button to open its settings. From the Intensity Mixing Options, choose LTP, rather than HTP.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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17 hours ago, Zulu said:

2. Copying cues. Using the Z button, I frequently copy existing cues into other existing cues (over-writing), meaning I only need minor edits to the new cue.
Is it possible to copy the content of a cue into another existing cue, without over-writing the description ?

If these cues you're copying are in a playback stack, you should look into Tracking rather than copying and editing consecutive cues.

17 hours ago, Zulu said:

3. I've mastered programming a Playback to add lighting to an existing scene. Can I programme a playback to subtract light from an existing scene? eg I hit the playback button (or raise the slider), and certain fixtures go dark for the duration ?

Edward didn't mention Inhibit, so maybe this doesn't work as you describe. The FLX manual on p42 covers Inhibit (in a very terse way - but it doesn't say this feature is not available on FLX S) so might be worth a try.

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13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

Edward didn't mention Inhibit, so maybe this doesn't work as you describe. The FLX manual on p42 covers Inhibit (in a very terse way - but it doesn't say this feature is not available on FLX S) so might be worth a try.

Inhibit is available for FLX S. For more information on Playback Mixing options, see the article below...


If you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for the responses, guys. V. helpful.

Regarding the HTP LTP Inhibit query, I think I get that. Thanks.

Regarding the copying of cues, I'm interested in kgallen's offering: 

On 11/29/2019 at 9:14 AM, kgallen said:

If these cues you're copying are in a playback stack, you should look into Tracking rather than copying and editing consecutive cues.

I still struggle a bit with Tracking, but generally everything works as I want, with the default settings.
Typically when starting to plot a new play, I create a "blank" cue list with all descriptions, numbers, and script references. Then, when I'm plotting, and realise I can re-use a lighting state from Act 1, in Act 3, I'll want to copy.

Can tracking help me with this, or should I rethink my basic MO ?

Ta, Zulu

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Hi Zulu,

This morning we have actually just released a very quick video regarding tracking. Tracking is really useful for making an edit to a lighting state, and allowing those edits to be applied to multiple cues.

Copying cues would be used if you want an exact duplicate of a preexisting lighting state in a new cue.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for the tips on Tracking, and the video. It's good. I pretty much get the concept, and how it can reduce data input and processing.

I think it means that I can only plot my show in sequence from the start, cue by cue. If I do this perfectly first time, all is well.

But If I have plotted cues 1 thru 20, then decide to insert a cue between, say, 10 and 11, (ie, 10.5).... cues from 11 onwards, which previously took their tracked info from Cue 10 or earlier, are now taking tracked info from 10.5. Won't this screw all further cues?

thanks, Zulu

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Hi Zulu,

Tracking works best if you are programming in order, and make edits that you wish to apply to multiple cues.

1 hour ago, Zulu said:

But If I have plotted cues 1 thru 20, then decide to insert a cue between, say, 10 and 11, (ie, 10.5).... cues from 11 onwards, which previously took their tracked info from Cue 10 or earlier, are now taking tracked info from 10.5. Won't this screw all further cues?

It definitely could affect other cues if you are adding or updating with tracking enabled. If you don't want your additions or updates to effect other cues, press and hold RECORD, and make sure Cue Only is selected in the Record Options window. This turns tracking off, and your cues and updates then won't effect other cues.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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OK, thanks, Ed.

that sounds good. So, in my example, if when recording Cue 10.5, I hold RECORD, and set the Record Options as you describe, will Cue 11 onwards take its tracking from Cue 10, ignoring 10.5? Or does the "Cue Only" flag switch tracking off for the entire Cue stack?


ta, Zulu

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Hi Zulu,

If cue 10.5 is recorded cue only, it means cue 11 on-wards will look exactly how you programmed them. Therefore in the background, when you have recorded cue 10.5 cue only, the console has then edited cue 11, to tell any changes from 10.5 to go back to how they had been before, with any tracked information still using the values they had from cue 10, and the tracking can then continue.

Changing the tracking mode will not affect any existing cues. However once cue only has been enabled, it will stay enabled for any future recording/updating until you change the Record Options back to Track Forwards. You can do this at any point by pressing and holding RECORD, changing the option, and then pressing RECORD again to save and close.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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