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New firmware and global bpm

O Thompson

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2 threads in 1 day... sorry...

I have since upgraded to the latest FW and all is working well, with the exception on 1 "glitch" that i hadn't noticed in previous versions...

I have a few simple chases programmed to individual MFFs. These are set to global bpm and a number of them have either cross fade or ramp up / down applied to them. I have then set the "play" button of the master play back to be a tap tempo for global bpm. With the latest firmware i have noticed that when global bmp is applied to the chase mff, the ramp up / down or cross fade options are ignored and the chase steps "snap". Is this a known glitch? or something that has always been present but I've overlooked? and is there a way to combat this?


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Hi Olly,

I have just tried to recreate this on Phantom ZerOS, and I can't recreate. 

What are the fade percentages configured to for these chases?

If you send a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, we will be able to take a look, and see what may be causing this.

If you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for the reply. 
The fade intensity of the fixtures is100% when the chase was programmed. The ramp up setting is also 100% in the mdf settings page. I have an inhibit set for the fixtures in the chase set to 70% for fixture 1 and 100% for fixture 2.

i will send the show file once I get back to the venue. 

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