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Triggering Video via FLX


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Hi Mac,

If you want to control Resolume from FLX, you would need to use Resolume Arena. Resolume Avenue cannot be controlled by DMX.


In terms of controlling Resolume Arena, it would be a case of patching Resolume as a fixture on FLX (or multiple fixtures, depending on how Resolume handles layers), and then assigning that patched universe to the chosen ArtNet universe Resolume is set to receive on. Resolume itself will then be able to output video data to fixtures via ArtNet, or out of the PC’s video output.

If you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks very much Ed.  The fixture profile for Resolume...  is it a complicated beast and is there one available.  I have had a look at ZerOS 7.9.6 fixture files but nothing there at this time....??

Also once set up is it quite a basic activity to start and stop video.  We have a chap who is providing it for us.....??

Rgds Mac


PS.....Notifications for replies to forum threads are not coming through to me despite me selecting it.....??

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Hi Mac,

We currently don’t have a fixture file for Resolume, but this is something we can create if you send a request to FixtureSupport@zero88.com. 

We will need the DMX channel map to do this, which should be available from the Resolume website, which will detail what each DMX control channel does - this will also give you an indication of how complex and how many parameters this includes. 

15 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

once set up is it quite a basic activity to start and stop video.

This will be as simple as recording a playback on FLX with a Start and Stop cue - both of which will be accessed via one of the Resolume fixture’s control parameters. 

16 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

Notifications for replies to forum threads are not coming through to me despite me selecting it

I may be wrong, but I believe browser forum notifications are triggered when you are quoted in a post, not just when there is a reply.

If you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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10 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:

Hi Mac,

We currently don’t have a fixture file for Resolume, but this is something we can create if you send a request to FixtureSupport@zero88.com. 

We will need the DMX channel map to do this, which should be available from the Resolume website, which will detail what each DMX control channel does - this will also give you an indication of how complex and how many parameters this includes. 

This will be as simple as recording a playback on FLX with a Start and Stop cue - both of which will be accessed via one of the Resolume fixture’s control parameters. 

I may be wrong, but I believe browser forum notifications are triggered when you are quoted in a post, not just when there is a reply.

If you have any questions let me know. 


Thanks Ed, I will do a bit of research.......

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Ed,  quite a bit of time has passed since I looked at this given the urgency being removed for obvious reasons.  I am now starting to have a look at this seriously again and sussing things out as best I can before committing to licenses.

I have had a look on the Resolume website and indeed you are right.  Arena will be the software version I need for this. Regarding the Resolume fixture file.  I cannot see anything that relates to a channel map that you mentioned to build the fixture file.  It is probably due to my low level of knowledge right now so will continue to look for this.

Am I right in saying that effectively when I have a cue stack set up on the FLX I can basically select Resolume as a fixture and depending on how I have Resolume configured when I execute a cue it will execute the video also.  So two pars on plus video on and same two pars off and video off triggered from the cue....??

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Hi Mac,

4 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

I have had a look on the Resolume website and indeed you are right.  Arena will be the software version I need for this. Regarding the Resolume fixture file.  I cannot see anything that relates to a channel map that you mentioned to build the fixture file.  It is probably due to my low level of knowledge right now so will continue to look for this.

If you drop us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, with a link to the Arena website, we will take a look.

4 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

Am I right in saying that effectively when I have a cue stack set up on the FLX I can basically select Resolume as a fixture and depending on how I have Resolume configured when I execute a cue it will execute the video also.  So two pars on plus video on and same two pars off and video off triggered from the cue....??

That is exactly right, assuming that Resolume Arena can be controlled like most media servers.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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