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2 programming queries...


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Hi Zero88. 

Starting to programme a new show on the FLX S24 and 2 questions have arisen...

1 - is it possible to copy a batch of cues on the "S" consoles?  I have a bulk set of cues that need copying to form an encore for the last night.  I understand the FLX allows, e.g. "200 thru 280 to 500"  Is it one cue at a time on the FLX?  ***  EDIT - Ignore this, I've just seen I can use an external keyboard to do "From 200>280" "TO  500" ***

2 - Is there an elegant way to get my moving heads to come on from a set position, sweep up, then go dark at cue end?  At the moment I'm using:

- Cue A - snap heads to a set colour/position

- Cue B - positional fade to the swept-up position

- Cue C - Snap to dark 

All cues are set to Go after Previous with zero delay.  Just feels there must be a more elegant way of doing this relatively common move?  I can copy the relevant cues to a playback fader and run them as a single shot chase if needs bs, but again, I feel there is likely to be  a better way?

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15 hours ago, drscoop said:

Ignore this, I've just seen I can use an external keyboard to do "From 200>280" "TO  500" ***

That’s correct; > on an external keyboard can be used as the Thru command in the Copy From field.

15 hours ago, drscoop said:

Is there an elegant way to get my moving heads to come on from a set position, sweep up, then go dark at cue end?

Yes - as you have described, programming 3 cues is a common way of doing this. Cue 1 is base state, cue 2 is sweep up, cue 3 is fade off.

Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve, you could only use 2 cues, and have the fixtures fade off as they sweep up. To do this you would need to record cue 2 with the fixtures in their swept up position, however with no intensity. To do this you would need to record the cue with SmartTag disabled. To disable SmartTag, press and hold RECORD, and tap SmartTag, so that it has a blue rather than red button stripe. If SmartTag is enabled, the console will not store fixtures with 0% intensity - very useful for Move On Dark. In cue 2 you could even then set the intensity down delay to be the same duration as the position fade, so that the move happens, then the fixture fades/snaps off, all in the same cue. 

If you wanted to use this effect throughout the show, I would probably record the 2 cues onto their own playback, not as a chase, but with cue 2 as an auto follow, which you can then trigger and release from any cue in any playback. 

Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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