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Scene -> Stack


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I think your're asking on how to store scenes and play them back?

On the bullfrog, this would be done by using the memories.


The memories output is controlled by the Playback X fader.


Firstly, press the memories button to go to the memories screen (this is much easier with an external monitor attached, mind).


Now you can program in your cues.


Use the + and - buttons to select a desired memory (cue) and then raise your relevent faders to output the scene that you want.


Now, press the red program button (not the enter button, as people often do) and the scene will be stored to that memory.

You can now continue this process, programming each memory in the stack.


To run the show, raise the playback x master to 100% and use the Go button to go through each scene in numerical order. You can also use the + and - buttons to choose which memory is output next. Use the Override control (not crossfade) to adjust the speed at whcih the memories advance.


Just another note, if you press F2, then memories, then enter - you can type in a name for the memory, either using the + and- keys or an external keyboard.


Hope this is what you were after, note that the manual contains clear instructions for the process also: Section 4-7 for setting up, 4-14 for running.



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Just a quick question, havn't actually used the desk yet, but I have an umcomming show with one (theatre), now, since i'm use to the LSC programming method, where you put your scenes into an FX master to use for the main playback. Can you do this with a BullFrog? and how?


You can also write a chase on a free memory with the whole show in it (99 steps) then set it up to attack fade - in order to fade all your scenes smooth

then put the "drive" function to manual. transfer this "chase" to a submaster then voilá your show could be run as submaster by pressing the left step button.


I prefer the memory stack method explained by sp, because all fadetimes could be setted up exactly. That´s recommend to most of theatre issus.


I suggested the above only to show one more of many ways to solve a problem.


Hope this helps

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

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