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LED chase with controlled fading


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My setup:
2 LED Pars

I have successfully done the color chase on one of the MFF playback. Colors are alternating sharply (red and blue) and higher the fader is the brighter the lights (colors) are. Also I can change the speed of the chase using Global BPM (assigned to another fader).

But now I want, that the alternating should occure with colors fading also.

I have assigned "Programmer Time" and "Speed Override" to separate faders, but these dont change the fade times of the chase.

What should I do?

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To fade colours between steps of a chase, hold SETUP and tap the Chase’s button. This will open the chase’s settings. To achieve a full colour cross fade between each step of the chase, select the Colour Fade percentage, and type 100%. 

6 hours ago, Aivar said:

higher the fader is the brighter the lights (colors) are

If the colour saturation is being adjusted by the fader level, this means Fader controls colour is enabled for the chase. For the colour fades to work correctly, you will need to ensure fader controls colour is disabled. To do this in the Chase’s settings, tap General, and ensure colour has a blue stripe, indicating disabled.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 10/16/2019 at 12:00 PM, Aivar said:

So, that means I have to have two separate playback faders - one with "fader controls colour enabled" (but without colors fading when alternating in chase) and the other "colour disabled" (colors fading can be controlled when alternating chase)?

Yes, you could do this if you wish.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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