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Hi, all.

I wonder if anyone can help with this problem . . .

I am planning to control RGB LED tape from my FLX S24 desk.

I have bought and connected some RGB 5050SMD 10mm tape, similar to this:


I have bought and patched a DMX Decoder, 3 Channel, Generic maunufacturer, similar to this: 


I've used the 3 Channel RGB LED fixture in the Generics section of the Fixture Library on the FLX S24.

I'm getting no life from the set up at all.

I have connected the same arrangement to a laptop running LightFactory software, and the LED tape responds correctly. So that means the LEDs, DMX Decoder, and cables are all good.

Any thoughts why this arrangement doesn't work with the FLX S24?  Note, I have used the 3-Pin DMX output from the desk, as I didn't have a 5 pin adapter handy.

Thanks in anticipation . . .


There is nothing unusual about RGB LED tape from the lighting desk's point of view. It's just a number of DMX addresses.

What you have to decide is whether you will control R/G/B elements as colour channels or intensity channels. I would suggest the RGB+Virtual-dimmer profile, this will allow you to use colour palettes with RGB tape. You should of course patch the "fixture" to a suitable DMX base address on the FLX-S that is also configured on the decoder using the DIP switches.

I have FLX and have used RGB tape using this method.

3 pin or 5 pin should make no difference assuming it is wired correctly and your electronics at the decoder, tape and power supply end is sound.


Thanks, K

having selected a 3 channel profile, I was using the fader for intensity, and the colour-picker for colour. No luck. If I understand you correctly, I should have success if I  either . . .

  • Use a 4 Channel profile (RGB+ Virtual Dimmer)
  • Use a 3 Channel profile (RGB), and use the colour wheels, not the colour-picker, to bring up the colours (I didn't do either of these !)

I'll try this later, and report back.

regards, Zulu


I’m not sure how the 3 channel ‘RGB’ fixture works because if they are colour channels then I don’t know where the desk gets the intensity information from.

Hence recommending the RGB plus virtual intensity fixture. This is of course only 3 real DMX channels going out to your controller for R/G/B tape and the desk is using the so-called virtual intensity to scale the RGB values on those channels. This has the benefit that the colour picker will work, you can set the overall brightness with one fader, SmartTag will work and move-on-dark will work. Also you’ll be able to use any Effects with a colour component on your tape.

These comments are applicable for any of the Zero88 desks with some or all of these features, from the Frog range through to all of the ZerOS-based consoles not just the FLX family. (I make this clarification for wider reference as we’re in the Fixture Library forum not an FLX-specific forum).

Good luck!



Hi Zulu,

If you choose LED Unit under Generic manufacturers in Add Fixtures, and see a 3Ch RGB LED with virtual intensity fixture, ensure you patch this. If you just see 3Ch RGB LED, choose this (depending on the version of the Fixture Library on the console, you will see different fixtures).

As Kevin describes, always use a virtual intensity if there isn’t a dedicated intensity parameter.

Have you got a 2 universe or 1 universe FLX S. If you have a 2 universe console, the 3 pin output will be universe 2 by default. You therefore need to patch your RGB LED unit onto desk universe 2, or under SETUP -> Universes -> Desk Universe 1, also add DMX output 2. 

You will then need to ensure the DMX address configured on the dip switches/ the address you have used in LightFactory, is matching on FLX S. 

If this still doesn’t help, patch 3 dimmers to channels 1 through to 3, on DMX 1 through 3. Address the decoder to DMX address 1, and ensure both DMX Outputs are outputting the required universe. You can then use each channel fader, and should control RGB. To see the raw DMX you are sending, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> DMX Outputs.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Thanks, Ed.

I've tried a couple of fixture profiles . . . 3Ch (RGB), 4Ch (RGB-D), (D-RGB), with no joy.
I was doing this at home, where I only had 3-pin DMX cables available, hence using the 2nd DMX output.

I have a 1-universe desk, so was expecting identical behaviour from each DMX output.

However, when trying the set up at the theatre, with the 5 pin cable from DMX Output 1, my LED strip behaved properly ! All is well !

So I now wonder if there is a problem with my DMX Output 2. Is it "switched off" ? 

So for now, my LED Tape problem is solved, but I now need to do some more specific testing on the 2nd DMX output of the desk. This is the 1st time I've used this output since I bought the desk a few months ago.

thanks, Zulu


Hi Zulu,

27 minutes ago, Zulu said:

my LED strip behaved properly ! All is well !

Glad to hear you got the tape working.

27 minutes ago, Zulu said:

So I now wonder if there is a problem with my DMX Output 2. Is it "switched off" ? 

It sounds like it has been disabled. You can check this by tapping SETUP -> Universes -> Desk Universe 1, and ensure that both output 1 and output 2 are assigned to be outputting universe 1. If you only see Output 1 under Desk Universe 1, click Add, type 2, and click OK to add DMX output 2.

Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


This thread has taken an unexpected twist !

As suggested, I checked, and saw there was only Output 1 under Universe 1.
So I tried to also assign Output 2 as a 2nd output under Universe 1
I got a message to say Output 2 was already assigned to a Universe.
At this point, I see Universe 2 is assigned to Output 2 ! Very unexpected, as my desk is only supposed to have 1 universe.
Perhaps I should stop her! I have everything I need, and have learnt some gems of knowledge from Kevin and Ed.

Many thanks, Zulu


Hi Zulu,

2 hours ago, Zulu said:

Very unexpected, as my desk is only supposed to have 1 universe.

If you tap SETUP -> Upgrade, you will see the console's current universe allocation, and the maximum it can be upgraded to, which will be 2. What is your console reporting as its current universe count?

Even if you have a 1 universe console, you will still be able to patch onto universes 1 to 64, as long as your total patched channels doesn't exceed your allowed universe count. You could therefore still assign universe 1 and universe 2 to the 5 pin and 3 pin output, even if you have a 1 universe console.

Hope this helps,



Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

5 hours ago, kgallen said:

Shhhhhhhhhh. Jon will be writing the upgrade Invoice for you as we speak...

I feel misrepresented!

As Edward says, since 7.9.6, "1 universe" actually means 512 channels, spread across multiple universes. So it is now possible to have things patched to Universe 1 and Universe 2 - but only 256 channels on each (or 128 channels on Universe 1, 2, 3 and 4, etc)


OK, I get that.

Next time I'm at the theatre, I'll check that, to see if I really do have 2 universes, or just 1, split across the 2 outputs.

Expect radio silence for a while now, as I'm going away for the next 10 days.


thanks, Guys.,

On 10/1/2019 at 9:46 PM, Jon Hole said:

I feel misrepresented!

As Edward says, since 7.9.6, "1 universe" actually means 512 channels, spread across multiple universes. So it is now possible to have things patched to Universe 1 and Universe 2 - but only 256 channels on each (or 128 channels on Universe 1, 2, 3 and 4, etc)

Very interesting, is this the same for FLX?

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