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Default Color


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Hi everyone,

I got a Cameo Pixbar 600 for testing. I adjusted the colors to match the color to the rest of our older halogen floods.
Is it possible to save the actual color as a default value, so when I rise the fader, the lamps will light up in that color?
Tried around with the home and default options, but no luck...


P.S. Having this lamp, my interest in pixel mapping has rised a little.

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Hi Martin,

Yes, colours can be stored as Default values.

To do this, first create your colour you would like. I would recommend you store this as a colour palette when you’re happy with the colour. Then with no playbacks running, and the programmer cleared, select your fixtures, and apply your colour palette. Then tap RECORD, and ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options menu. To open the Record Options on the internal screen, press and hold RECORD. Then tap HOME, and choose Default. You can then double press clear, and when you raise the intensity of the fixtures they will raise in the colour of your palette.

You may want to also update these fixture’s home value with this colour. To do this, select the fixtures, press HOME, apply your colour, and then tap RECORD -> HOME, and choose Home.

The benefit of using a colour palette to store your home and default values, is that if you update the palette, the default and home value will update too, as they will be referencing the palette. For more information on storing defaults, see below...


Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Edward,

setting the default colour worked. I noticed that my different LED fixtures needed a little bit of different RGB settings to have the right colour. I tried to store them on the same colour palette, and in contradicton to my opinion, it seemed to work. So, is it possible to save different colour values to one single colour palette for each fixture? I didn't expect that.

So for example, would it be possible to store a rainbow color scene over several fixtures to a single colour palette?


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2 hours ago, martin-144 said:

So for example, would it be possible to store a rainbow color scene over several fixtures to a single colour palette?

I believe so.

Even with the "old" Frog range I made that mistake, having the mind-set a colour palette needed to be "red" or "rosy pink" when in actual fact it could be any set of colours across the fixtures it was programmed for.

Something I too should exploit more often but one does get artificially stuck in "this is my red palette", "this is my blue palette"!

Same with beamshape and position. Beamshape could be whatever selection of gobos you wanted across a set of fixtures and you could easily have a position palette "jumbled about" as much as "line across"!

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That’s correct, palettes can have the same value for each fixture stored, or each fixture can have their own value. With colour palettes, if fixtures contained in the palette don’t all have the same RGB(W) values, you won’t be shown a colour preview on the palette tile. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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