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Connecting FLX S24 to capture


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I recently got to use the flx s24 and i got to take it home, they told my i could hook it up to capture wich i have some showfiles ready with some moving heads.

I connected my pc and the S24 together using a cat5 cable, i turned on CITP on the s24 and set it to DHCP, nothing happend. I also messed around a bit with setting up Ip-Adresses, nothing worked for me. I patched all of the fixture but there where some missing in the table so i replaced them in capture.

Kind Regards


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Hi Jarno,

If you had the FLX S and the PC connected directly with a single Ethernet cable, DHCP won’t work. This is because there has to be a DHCP server on the network, such as a router. You will therefore have needed to configure the console’s CITP IP address to be in the same range as your PC’s IP address. An example could be the PC set to, and the console set to, both with a subnet of

Once the IP addresses are in range, start Capture on the PC. On the FLX S tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> Network overview. You should see the console displays that it is connected to your PC, and Capture and your console are communicating.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Jarno,

It might be worth trying out the show file and Capture file available here...


This will prove whether FLX S and the laptop are talking, and whether there is an issue with the Capture settings. Are you using the full Capture software, or a presentation file?

Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 1 year later...

I too am having a connection issue with desk and capture. My PC is set to and the FLX S24 is set to I have a single ethernet cable. One end is connected directly to my laptop ethernet port and the other end directly to the FLX S24 Ethernet port. I have loaded the "DockHouse FLX S CITP.isf" file onto the FLX S24 Desk and am opening the "Dockhouse.exe" capture file on my laptop. The desk does not communicate with the Dockhouse.exe capture file. Please, what am I doing wrong? It should be noted that I have been successful in getting the Phantom software to work with the Dockhouse.exe Capture. Just can't get the desk to communicate directly with Capture. Thanks so much in advance.  

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Hi Paul,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

6 hours ago, paulb63 said:

the FLX S24 is set to

Is this the CITP IP address of your FLX S24?

6 hours ago, paulb63 said:

It should be noted that I have been successful in getting the Phantom software to work with the Dockhouse.exe Capture. Just can't get the desk to communicate directly with Capture.

Please make sure Phantom ZerOS is closed before trying to connect Capture to your FLX S, otherwise Capture may connect to Phantom ZerOS instead.

Please try following the steps below, and let me know how you get on...



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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