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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

"Fader Function" issue


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Hi there,

We've got a FLX-S24 since couple of days now and we've got an issue with the "Fader Function" feature: We tried to use the mode "manual fade (2 ways)" on a cue stack stored in any playback. So far so good, we have our old school theater like fader. The issue happens if we'd like to switch back the playback to "HTP Master" mode. Indeed the setup menu shows "HTP Master" mode but the fader still acts as "manual fade (2 ways)". It seems to do the same with PhantomZerOS on the computer. Once we change the mode, there is no way back ! The only way we've found to manage that is to copy the playback in another slot (or the Master playback), delete the orignal one, and copy back the stack at the place we want it.

So maybe we are missing something and the problem is a CMI issue (Chair-Machine Interface) or there is a bug somewhere. Does anyone have ever experienced that as well ?

We use 7.9.5 version but it was the same with previous one.

We would appreciate any help. Thanks,







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Hi Serge,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum, glad to hear you’re using FLX S.

There is a known issue changing playback fader functions to one of the manual fade options, and then back to default again. You are correct, the best way to rectify the issue is copy the playback to an empty playback, and then copy back over the top of the original. This will be repaired in a future software update, but there is no date on this yet.

If you have any questions just let us know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward,

Thanks for the quick reply. I feel a little bit better since I know that I'm not doing something totally crazy.

Is there any listing or any way to know all the known bug and issues ? Just for information, because it could help saving some time if promblems are already known.





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