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me and my friend have been working hard on the fat frog trying new things and we just a bit lost how to use the audio in ..... what from the sound board do we need to take the lead to ... monitor outs speacker outs ?!??!?! the sends ?? ....




as far as i know all u need is a standard output from your sound desk. We've used normal speaker outputs before, and also the auxiliary outputs.


There have been a few other posts on exactly the same topic I've seen, such as this.


Just plug in a 1/4in feed from ur sound desk and set ur chase to the bass or vari drive.




Take the mono out from the sound desk, this frees up the aux. for monitor returns effects etc... Most noise boys dont use the mono out during shows so ask nice, they're an odd bunch.

Set your chase thingy to bass and now your in debt to the noise crew "not a nice place to be" :lol:


Hi this is just a hint:

It´s better to have a DI box available because it is possible that you get some strange noise on your PA if you connect the lightdesk to your audiodesk especial when you have a 3 phase distribution.

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

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