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Odd Behaviour

O Thompson

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Morning folks,

I experienced an odd issue with our FLX this week. After powering on the unit, the left side of the desk (fader bank and UDKs) had no working lights on the board. The LEDs for each PB no longer illuminated, the LED on the UDKs no longer illuminated and the page display window did not display the current PB page. The only working part of the console was the touch screen, external monitor, and fader operation. At the same time, no DMX was being output from the desk despite the external monitor showing parameter changes...

To resolve the issue, i had to reboot the console. Although this is the first time this has happened to this extent, i have experienced similar symptoms with LEDs on the UDKs on a regular basis (no light on the button) but operation of the UDK remaining functional. Has anyone else had this issue?  Currently on 7.9.5

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I had something similar with 7.9.4. Does my report here look like what you experienced? In my case a desk reboot didn't help - I had to do a Factory Reset. (My post is in the Beta Test Forum, not sure if you can see that post. However my comments relate to 7.9.4 production software.)


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Hmm interesting. I presume after power cycling there was no offer to save a debug file? If you tap Z -> System Information -> System Text, and scroll through the text, are there any error messages/ text that isn't white? If you then tap back to Desk Info, there's a line of text starting with "Q7", and after a "PN", there should be "HW:B_". What is the number here?

Kind regards,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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5 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:

are there any error messages/ text that isn't white?

Yes, I have the following text in green...

"FERAM Write failure at 0x00004030, retries remaining : 4"



If you then tap back to Desk Info, there's a line of text starting with "Q7", and after a "PN", there should be "HW:B_". What is the number here?

I cant seem to see the info you are refering to. All i get under "desk info" is the following (attachmenet)... 


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5 hours ago, kgallen said:

I had something similar with 7.9.4. Does my report here look like what you experienced? In my case a desk reboot didn't help - I had to do a Factory Reset. (My post is in the Beta Test Forum, not sure if you can see that post. However my comments relate to 7.9.4 production software.)


Thanks for the reply, but i am unable to see the report. Apparently i don't have permission to view it. 

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37 minutes ago, O Thompson said:

Thanks for the reply, but i am unable to see the report. Apparently i don't have permission to view it. 

In a nutshell, I turned my FLX on to do some more pre-show setup - it had been fine the night before, closed down ok - no front panel LEDs, no DMX output, but buttons and internal screen working. A power cycle did not help, I had to do a factory reset. I was panicing big time...!

For the info Edward is after you need to tap some other tab on that screen - not sure if it's System Information, Console or Events - something like that!

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Many thanks for the information regarding the FERAM Write failure. We will take a look into this.

I am not sure why your console isn't displaying the U-boot or Q7 information, which in that picture should be lines of text between "Co-Processor Firmware" and "NVR Location". However as your picture shows the serial number I can get this information from there.

I have added this to our issue log, as reference number ZOS-8639.

If you have any queries let me know.



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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The desk has now gone into "melt down"... The desk will not power at all. When connected to power, the page display flashes intermittently and there is a noticeable "click" from within the desk. On the rear of the desk, when powered the DMX, link and data lights flash along with the page display. 

Link to video of error

Im going to contact our supplier (Hawthorn theatrical) but as it stands the desk is no longer functional.

help or advice greatly received, as I'm now reverting to a Jester for shows today and tomorrow.

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**update 2


When left with power disconnected for a period of time, the desk will attempt to boot when powered again. Part way through booting, the desk will revert back to the issue described above. The boot process gets as far as "loading" with the load bar reaching the right of the screen before it crashes


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***update 3

when the desk has been left, i am able to boot into test mode. Once the desk is shut down, and powered on again within 2 minutes of shutdown, the desk will produce the error described above. 

I have also tried a fresh install of the OS using a bootable USB drive. The install was successful, but the issue still remains after removing the USB drive. 

  • To summarise, the desk will not fully boot normally. After load screen the unit "crashes" and produces the issue above.
    • Since reinstalling OS from a bootable USB, i can boot console successfully, but only after the desk has been left without power for some time.
    • After being "on" for a few minutes (<5) the desk with crash and produce the same issues described above.
    • Powering off the console and trying to reboot will produce the same issues described above.
  • I can get to test mode if the desk has been turned off and left for at least 2 minutes. (all functions test ok).
  • I can boot the desk from USB if the desk has been turned off and left for at least 2 minutes.
  • Desk is currently not functional other than to access test mode or USB boot.
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No problem Kevin, test mode is a handy little tool.

Reverting to the Jester is a PITA, but we'll make it work... we have a predominately LED rig, but not much in the way of moving heads, so with some creative grouping it will be fine. 

Just as thought, would the behaviour I'm seeing be related to something as simple as a flat BIOS battery? 

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Hi Olly,

Really sorry to hear this.

I believe you have spoken to Keith on the phone regarding this.

So to confirm, you have created a bootable USB drive with ZerOS 7.9.5. Booting the console boots into the install screen, where you can perform the installation. When complete, power cycle, and the console sometimes boots correctly?

Please try repeating this process, however with ZerOS 7.9.4, available here...

If this still hasn't solved the problem, please go back to Hawthorn, who if necessary will be able to send it back to us for investigation.

The battery shouldn't have anything to do with the issue. 

Feel free to continue the conversation over email if that's easier.

Kind regards


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward,

I have contacted Hawthorn who have advised they will contact me shortly to arrange a collection. 

In the mean time i have tried the 7.9.4 boot option and the same issue occurred. I have now gone back to 7.9.5 and on a further test, i can leave the power connected to the unit and the desk switched on. When i do this, the desk will intermittently power up. It will remain powered for between 2 and 5 minutes before crashing back to the same issues stated above. If i still leave the power connected, the unit will then power up again after 10-15 mins of "odd behaviour" and the process will repeat.

However... i have left the desk to do this for the past couple of hours, and now i have returned to it, the desk seems stable again. I'm going to monitor the issue for the remainder of the day, and test again tomorrow to see if i can replicate the issue... if not, then im stumped as to why it now functions, although a little apprehensive about it acting up again during a show. 

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4 hours ago, O Thompson said:

would the behaviour I'm seeing be related to something as simple as a flat BIOS battery? 

As Edward has confirmed for us I don't believe so on FLX. With Frog range, a flat battery caused all sorts of misbehaviour. As a result I asked about the battery in the FLX soon after I bought it, and Jon said that the battery was only there for the RTC and not related to retaining show data in RAM before it's copied to some non-volatile storage.

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16 minutes ago, O Thompson said:

However... i have left the desk to do this for the past couple of hours, and now i have returned to it, the desk seems stable again. I'm going to monitor the issue for the remainder of the day, and test again tomorrow to see if i can replicate the issue... if not, then im stumped as to why it now functions, although a little apprehensive about it acting up again during a show. 

OK thanks for the information. This sounds like it could be an intermittent power issue, however we haven't seen anything like this before. 

If you have any questions feel free to drop me an email or give us a call.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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🤨 scratch that... started to repatch the desk rather than load an old show, in case there was an issue with the show file... lasted 25 minutes and then the same behaviour resumed. strangly i noticed this time it crashed as soon as i pressed the save button on the show file. now back to intermittent on / off pattern.

I will email and post here once i have confirmation from the supplier about a return.

Thanks for the help, Keith too. Id be interested to know what the fault is when you get it back...


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