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S48 mysteries


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I have taken delivery of a new FLX S48 which I am now training myself on for our local little theatre. The name in System settings is S480020-000019-00 19-21-0019. I assume I should be running the latest software. When I view the output it tells me that the MFFs control 1-24 fixtures, so what happens to the other 24/72? Also the buttons under some of the higher numbered faders go into a flashing mode which I can only stop by turning off the board. I am trying to set up a simple stack of cues by following your excellent YouTube videos in order to use the board mainly for straight play productions. Please advise.

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Hi Jolyon,

Good to hear you have a FLX S48 for your theatre.

The console name in System Settings by default simply lists the console's serial number. You can however change this name to something more useful if you wish. This name is what the console appears as over a network.

You can find your current software version by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information, and in this window will be a line of text displaying "Software Version". Judging by the serial number of the console, you are probably running ZerOS The latest software is ZerOS 7.9.5. As you are learning the console, I would recommend updating to the new software. ZerOS 7.9.5 is available to download from our website here...

Once downloaded, extract the files, and then copy the ZerOS OS Creator application to the root of a USB stick. Plug into the console, tap SETUP -> Load File, and choose the file to load in. The console will then ask you to confirm, and begin the installation. More detailed instructions are available in the release notes, which can also be downloaded from the link.

An easy way of seeing what fixtures your faders are controlling, is to view the Faders desktop - particularly useful if you have an external monitor connected. This will show you what your faders are doing - which page and which function.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions just let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Having checked as you suggest the current software, it is indeed I have downloaded 7.9.5, twice. The first time the file was shown as corrupted. The second time I extracted it to my USB flash drive and tried to install it following instructions. However the installation failed because it apparently could not find the update file? What do I do now?

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