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Playback effects playbacks


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I have a problem with my playbacks. The problem doesn't appear every time, but it is very stressfull. It is about a flx s48 512 console.
So I have different fixtures in my setup and I want to program different things and I want that they work saperately. This has to be possible, because sometimes it does...
But what happens is that when I program, by example, the first fixture and save this in a playback and then program the second fixture, detag the fixtures from the first playback and thereafter save this in another playback.
What happens is that when I play the first playback and after this the second playback it can result in an effect on the other playbacks. This is pretty stress full when I have programmed like 20 playbacks and find out that when I activate the first playback it disables like 10 other playbacks.
Is it possible that I miss a setting from the playbacks for this? Or is it a tag problem?
Thanks for reading and I hope you can help me.
Kind regards,
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Hi Tim,

By default, when RECORD is pressed on a FLX S console, tagged information in the programmer, and any other active playbacks, will be stored into your cue. If you would like ONLY tagged, programmer information to be recorded, you’ll need to ensure SmartTag is disabled on the console. To access this option, press and hold RECORD to open the Record Options window. In here you’ll see a SmartTag button. Press this to ensure it is disabled - indicated with a blue stripe. You can press RECORD to close this window. Now all future programming will only be storing programmer information. 

For more information on tagging, see the article below...


(You seem to have created two duplicate posts so I have deleted the other).

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward,

Thanks for the reply. I have already done this, the only thing that is active in de setting for the playback is the 'tagged parameters' or the 'all parameters', by fixtures 'tagged fixtures' (I have tried to set it on selected fixtures but that doesn't help) and 'cue only' is tagged on.

I will read the article you placed.

Kind regards,


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