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ZerOS 7.9.5 Queries/Oddities

Jason Brameld

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Hi Folks,

I updated my FLX console software to 7.9.5 today.  Previously on 7.9.4 I cleared out all the playbacks and stripped down the show file on the desk to have our standard fixture patch and default groups only in it, and saved it as a 'default' show file prior to doing the update.  The update was easy to do following the instructions.  I then re-loaded the default show to get the patch and groups back and that all seemed fine.

Then I went to look for the fab new effects listed in the release notes. Selecting a group of RGBW LED fixtures, turning them to 100% and tapping 'effect' to get to the effects window, I then pressed 'Automatically Create Effects Palettees', expecting that the lovely new colour effects would then all be available to me and I got left with one effect palette - 'No Effect'!  Is this likely to be a 7.9.4 showfile incompatibility or is it a bug? 

I also checked out the 'Clear Options' page under Settings - the option to 'clear playbacks' seems to have disappeared - it was there in 7.9.4 and is a useful function for us with different groups coming in and programming stuff - clearing out the playbacks in between and leaving the patch and groups in place is handy, without needing to re-load a default show file every time.  Is there another way of doing this now, and if not then why did it get removed?!

Also in setup there is a button called 'UDK defaults' which gave some options that to me didn't really seem to refer to the UDKs but perhaps I'm missing something - could you explain these please?

The release note refers to the updated manual, but I can't see this on the website yet - have I missed it or is it not there yet?



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I just tried setting up a simple patch of the same RGBW fixtures in Phantom 7.9.5 as I tried on the desk in the theatre, selected that group. and pressed 'Automatically create effect palettes' and it seemed to work, so perhaps it is a showfile incompatibility.  Will see if I can load the 7.9.4 showfile in Phantom next and see if it does the same as on the desk.

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Hi Jason,

1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

I updated my FLX console software to 7.9.5 today.  Previously on 7.9.4 I cleared out all the playbacks and stripped down the show file on the desk to have our standard fixture patch and default groups only in it, and saved it as a 'default' show file prior to doing the update.  The update was easy to do following the instructions.  I then re-loaded the default show to get the patch and groups back and that all seemed fine.

Then I went to look for the fab new effects listed in the release notes. Selecting a group of RGBW LED fixtures, turning them to 100% and tapping 'effect' to get to the effects window, I then pressed 'Automatically Create Effects Palettes', expecting that the lovely new colour effects would then all be available to me and I got left with one effect palette - 'No Effect'!  Is this likely to be a 7.9.4 show file incompatibility or is it a bug? 

Sorry to hear this. If you try loading the show file in again, do you find this solves the issue? This sounds like a show file compatibility issue, however I can't seem to recreate this either.

1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

Hmmmmm.  I loaded the 7.9.4 showfile into 7.9.5 Phantom and tried the same thing (on Group 100) and it seemed to work oK, but it didn't work on the desk when I was at the Theatre earlier.

Show file attached.

Loading in the show file into a physical FLX seems to be working for me using the following steps: SETUP -> Load File -> choose your file -> GROUP 100 @@ -> EFFECT -> Auto Create Effect Palettes, 45 are generated, CLEAR -> ENTER ENTER, shows the effects available to those fixtures which can then be applied. Are you doing something different to this? I have been trying different combinations and can't seem to get the console to fail to create the 45 new effects.

1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

I also checked out the 'Clear Options' page under Settings - the option to 'clear playbacks' seems to have disappeared - it was there in 7.9.4 and is a useful function for us with different groups coming in and programming stuff - clearing out the playbacks in between and leaving the patch and groups in place is handy, without needing to re-load a default show file every time.  Is there another way of doing this now, and if not then why did it get removed?!

Clear Options now only appear when there are items recorded in the show file. For example if there are no colour palettes recorded, there won't be an option to clear colour palettes, and as you are seeing if no playbacks have been recorded the option to clear them will be hidden.

1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

Also in setup there is a button called 'UDK defaults' which gave some options that to me didn't really seem to refer to the UDKs but perhaps I'm missing something - could you explain these please?

When pressing SETUP -> Defaults -> UDK Defaults, you should open a window with three options; Flash mode, Mix Mode, and Release. Flash Mode allows you to choose whether a lighting state will be flashed or latched by the UDK button. Mix Mode can configure whether lighting states recorded onto UDKs will mix HTP or LTP with other lighting states recorded on the console. Release can choose whether a UDK automatically releases, or whether you have to manually release it.

1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

The release note refers to the updated manual, but I can't see this on the website yet - have I missed it or is it not there yet?

That's coming soon, keep an eye out on the website over the next week.

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward,

What you did to re-create is exacty what I did.  It worked fine in Phantom.  Will try re-loading the show file but may need to wait until the current show is done before I can do that.

Thanks for clarifying on the clear options and the UDK options - All will undoubtedly become clear with the new manual!

I'll let you know how I get on - could be another 'only happens at the Pump House' Issue!!


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Hi Jason,


I've had the exact same thing happen, all the effect pallets have now vanished, when selecting fixtures, just the "no effect" pallet remains. Oddly they wee there with the 7.9.5 beta version, but after dropping back to this version they have also vanished.

I've reloaded 7.9.4 and the auto pallets are generated again. 

I've emailed support as well as Edward as I'm at a bit of a loss. I tried adding a new fixture and testing the pallets that way as Edward recommended but this too failed to generate the new shiny pallets :(

Hopefully they'll be able to solve this !




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Something else I've just tried, was to do a reload of 7.9.5 and add a fresh new fixture, i.e. not add my show file, and still the same thing ! No effects pallets at all !

so probably not an issue with our show files. Tried 3 different fixtures, an RXONE, Vizi Hybrid 16RX and Chauvet Slim PAR hex and none would auto add effects pallets, just the "no effect" was visible.

I did speak with one of the support guys on the phone yesterday and he mentioned that there may be an additional file that needed to be loaded with the effects, but there's no mention f that anywhere on the release note. We will see if Support come back with anything tomorrow !


Yep glad its not just me either ;)






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Tried multiple installs now of 7.9.5 and no luck getting the effects to work, 

Just loaded my old file that still has effects palettes and none of them do anything. I have also looked at making a new effect in the waveforms option and there are no function options to allow me to assign any movements such as Sine etc. 

I have no choice but to reinstall 7.9.4 and hope for an update on the issue soon...


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Hi all,

Sorry to hear this. I still haven't been able to create this for some reason. When only "No Effect" is generated, can you save the show file, and then load it back in. Does the "Auto Create Effects" button now work? If not please could you send us this show file to support@zero88.com, as this may help us find what the issue is. 

12 hours ago, Martin Burton said:

I did speak with one of the support guys on the phone yesterday and he mentioned that there may be an additional file that needed to be loaded with the effects, but there's no mention f that anywhere on the release note. We will see if Support come back with anything tomorrow !

You shouldn't need to load in any particular files. Auto Effects are stored in a ZerOS Library file, however this file is included as part of ZerOS 7.9.5. From your description, it almost sounds like this file is getting lost somehow. 

The team are looking into this as we speak to understand what is happening, and how to solve the issue.

1 hour ago, JWylie91 said:

Tried multiple installs now of 7.9.5 and no luck getting the effects to work, 

If you do a fresh install of 7.9.5 and tap EFFECT -> Auto Create before doing anything else, are they generated?


We will get back to you as soon as we have more information.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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If you can't seem to get the Auto-Effects to generate, please download the file attached...

02052019 ZerOS 795 Effects.zlbr

Copy to the root of a USB stick, and tap SETUP -> Load -> and choose the .zlbr file to load in. Exit Setup, power cycle the console, then tap EFFECT -> and try auto generating the effects. 

Do the 45 new effects now appear?

Let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward,

I've downloaded the file and will try and load it on the desk tonight.  I'll let you know how I get on.

Looks like the library may be missing/corrupt on the release package maybe?  Did your test desk get the software loaded by the distributable you are providing, or by some other means?

As an aside (that may or may not be relevant) I did notice an error of some form flash past (in green text) when I first re-booted the desk after installing the software,  I didn't quite catch what it was and subsequent boots (that I filmed so I could catch it!) didn't show it.

Will update when I have more news.




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Hi Joe and Jason,

Thanks for these comments. I'm glad the library file has helped as a short-term solution. We are continuing to work on this. We haven't as of yet managed to recreate the issue on any console we've got available to us which is making it a bit difficult to pin down from our end. I have been running tests using the 7.9.5 download from this forum as opposed to our internal file storage system.

Thanks Jason for your comment; I wonder, is there anyway you can recreate that issue and then send a picture of the error message? Seeing that would be helpful, especially as Martin mentioned on the phone he might have seen an error message as well. To see system text (after the error message has appeared), press the Z button, press System Information and then press System Text and scroll to the particular point of the error message.


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Hi Joe,

37 minutes ago, JWylie91 said:

Downloading and loading in the new library file that you provided did the trick. I have also managed to load my previous default showfile created in 7.9.4 and the effects appeared when the auto create button was selected.

Great thank for letting me know.

We will look into how the ZerOS Library file got removed from the console.

22 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

Looks like the library may be missing/corrupt on the release package maybe?  Did your test desk get the software loaded by the distributable you are providing, or by some other means?

Testing both Phantom and my demo FLX using release software - downloaded from the website software download rather than obtained internally. Therefore this isn't a universal issue - it sounds like somehow something specific in your show files has caused the ZerOS Library file to be removed - the trick is to find out what.

25 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

 As an aside (that may or may not be relevant) I did notice an error of some form flash past (in green text) when I first re-booted the desk after installing the software,  I didn't quite catch what it was and subsequent boots (that I filmed so I could catch it!) didn't show it.

It would be interesting to know what this said. If you see it again, you can access this text once the console has fully initialised by tapping Z -> System Information -> System Text. 

28 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

 Will update when I have more news.

Cheers - keep me posted.

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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2 minutes ago, Edward- Z88 said:

Hi Kevin,

Ah Nathanael replied at the same time as me!

Nathanael is working for us as Zero 88 Product Support, and also running FLX series training sessions.


Well, Nathanael, welcome from us all! Them's some big 'ole boots (Edward) you're gonna be "competing" with!

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I loaded the new library file and the problem is fixed.  It asked me if I wanted to replace the existing library file and I said yes, so all good.

Still a mystery as to the cause though.

You have our show file so could it be something funny in firmware and/or hardware versions.

Can you access historic system text, or just from the last boot?


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Hi all,

I've now tried this and although the first attempt to load the file in didn't work, the second attempt did ! Not sure why !

Anyway, new effects pallets are now there, and successfully loaded my show file and they're still there  !! :) 

Thanks guys for your support as always. Hopefully you'll be able to figure out why some of us had this issue and others didn't. Be useful to get nailed for future updates !

Did I read somewhere that there's an updated support manual inbound any day now ? 




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Hi both,

Great glad that has solved the problem. It sounds as though the library file got removed somehow. We are continuing to investigate what may have caused this. 

22 hours ago, Jason Brameld said:

Can you access historic system text, or just from the last boot?

Just from the last boot.

If you have any queries let us know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi all,

I have also just installed ZerOS 7.9.5 with the same issue.

I spoke to Keith who has directed me to this post. The file below is no longer "available", please can you re-upload it?

On 5/20/2019 at 12:03 PM, Edward- Z88 said:

If you can't seem to get the Auto-Effects to generate, please download the file attached...

02052019 ZerOS 795 Effects.zlbr 11.76 kB · 8 downloads

I also got an error during boot which may or may not be part of this common issue. Pictures attached for reference. Edward/Nathaniel, please can you forward these onto Keith for his info.







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Hi Jason, Alex, Martin, Kevin and Joe,

Thank you for continuing to provide feedback on this - we're still investigating but unfortunately haven't been able to reliability recreate the Effects Library missing yet. We've given the issue an internal reference of ZOS-9342 while we investigate.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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