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Chase cue settings to override current cue colours

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Hi all, 

I am trying to do the following namely have a cue running say in red on a group of PAR fixtures and then introduce a cue chase with single white PARS within that group.  So in summary I have a cue running with a colour but now and then want to run a white chase up those lights but have them return to the original colour.  I have played about with the recording settings and found nothing that works thus far.  Also the manual does not help me (probably my interpretation of it is wrong).  As always grateful for your input.


Kevin's correct - you can use the "Red Step Off" effect, and then use the offset buttons in the Effect Palettes Window to offset those across your fixtures (and use the speed encoder to adjust the speed of the effect).

In the next release of software (currently in beta), this effect is called "Sparkle - Red" - it's exactly the same effect, but by default is faster with a random offset - however you can choose to slow it down and take it back to a forward offset if you wish.



If Mac wants to RGB mix his own colour (he said "say red") can this be achieved with any of the "step off" effects and still get the colour+white combination - rather than say orange+green which I think is what you'd get if you dialled in green to the red-step-off effect.



The Auto Palette does the following:

  1. Takes Red to 100% and applies no effect to the parameter
  2. Takes Green & Blue to 50% and applies an effect to the parameters (the waveform function was previously called "Mark On", but in the new software called "Step (7/8)"). The waveforms are at 100% size, so because these parameters are set to 50% (the "midpoint"), the effect switches the parmaeters between 0% and 100%.

When this is running, manually taking Green to 100% means this becomes the "midpoint" of the waveform (which is at 100% size), so the waveforms will  switch the parameter between 50% and theoretically 150% (realistically just 100%). Therefore the result is switching between Red @ 100%, Green @ 50% (so "Orange") and Red @ 100%, Green at 100% (so "Yellow").


I should know that (from an earlier explanation from Edward!)... thanks for the clarification!

But to Mac's requirement of non-white-colour+white, is this possible with an Auto Palette --> so in prospective 7.9.5 can we do "sparkle" with an RGB mix base colour? (True, I could use my brain, but at "non-theatre-work" at the moment so it's easier to ask those who know 😋)


Thanks for the info so far folks.  Its not a red effect specifically I was after.  Lets just say I could pull up any colour combination on any cue on those PARS,  then set off another cue with the white chase to override whatever colour is on them..............??

I have also had a look at the manual and cannot find anything on 'Red Sparkle Effect'...??



Hi Mac,

Red Sparkle is included in ZerOS 7.9.5, which was released today. This can be downloaded here...

The release notes are also available from the link, showing the available effects included. I would recommend downloading and installing this on your FLX.

You should find there’s an auto effect that you can use for this. If not, you may find it easier to be very specific by recording your own chase.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


I'm in a similar situation myself... But I'm not sure the built in effects are the answer for my scenario unless i'm missing the point?

My situation is as follows

I have a colour wash (say red) on stage using RGB pars across 3 bars. I then want to run a sequential chase changing the colour of single bar at a time. For example,

  • Step 1 would make bar 1 blue (with bars 2+3 still in red from another PB)
  • Step 2 would make bar 2 blue (with bars 1+3 still in red from another PB)
  • Step 3 would make bar 3 blue (with bars 1+2 still in red from another PB)

How would i go about doing this? At the moment, if i tag RGB in each step of the chase, i just get a red chase and the previous playback is overwritten. If i just tag blue, then i can get an additive chase where the blue chase will mix with the other playback, but i cant seem to get the chase to momentarily replace the existing playback on a step by step basis.


Any help is appreciated.



Hi Olly,

I would recommend programming a 3 step chase for this, rather than using an effect.

The colours of your chase will mix LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) with your other playbacks by default, and so your chase's colours will run over the top of other playbacks, and when the chase is released, the other playing playbacks will take over.

Programming a group for each bar will speed up the programming time, as you'll then be able to apply the colours you wish to each bar group.

Hope this helps


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Hi Edward, thanks for the reply.


Ive actually done exactly as you have suggested, however this doesn’t really solve me issue. Having looked closer I’m not sure it’s actually possible...


i have programmed my 3 step chase, and using LTP the chase does indeed run over the top of my other playbacks. But what I require is almost in between HTP And LTP. I’m not sure if I’m able to explain this effectively, but I’ll try.


My pb1 is a red wash. My pb2 is a blue chase. The chase is programmed with all RGB tagged. When I raise pb2 over the top of pb1 for my chase I get the following...

- bar 1 goes blue, bar 2&3 go dark

- bar 2 goes blue, bar 1&3 go dark

- bar 3 goes blue, bar 1&2 go dark

what I want, is the following

-bar 1 goes blue, bar 2&3 stay on red from pb1

-bar 2 goes blue, bar1&3 stay red from pb1

-bar 3 goes blue, bar1&2 stay red from pb1

i know I could achieve this by programming the red wash into the chase pb, but ideally I’d like the chase to run over the top of any wash. If I program the chase without G and B tagged, the chase gets mixed with my red wash (making magenta)... does this make sense?





Hi Olly,

For the first step of your chase, select bar 1, set blue to full, set red to 0, and ensure that only the red and blue colour parameters are tagged. Make sure no other fixtures are included in each step of the chase. More can be found on tagging here...


Repeat this for the other bars, and you’ll find that you’ll have a blue chase over the top of your red playback, without magenta being mixed. 

Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Edward, thanks again for your reply.

What you have suggested would work fine for the chase over a red wash (my stated colour choices were for example sake), however i hoped to be able to apply the same chase (same PB) over another colour wash for the same effect, rather than having to have multiple effect playbacks to cater for different colour washes.  I am assuming that this is not possible now having looked deeper into it?


The console is used in an education environment, and i am putting together a standard patch / show that can be used by students to busk music events etc... It was my intention to have a few pre programmed chases that could be triggered over any stage wash colour, allowing my "blue"(or any other colour) chase to trigger regardless of the current wash / state on stage.

I understand that this inst really normal practise, but in a busking scenario it would be useful.


On a slight tangent from the above... and to add more info for clarification.

I have my 3 LED par bars (and 1 LED fresnel bar) set up for colour mixing. Eg, faders 1-3 are RGB from my fresnels, 4-6 are RGB for bar 1, 7-9 RGB for bar 2 and 10-12 are RGB for bar 3. I have set the parameters for each playback to allow fader control of colour as well as intensity, and I have a UDK that sets all RGB values to 0 (rather than 100 when released)

This gives me the ability to mix colours across my pars and LED frenels. Using the info above, i have created 3 PB's each with a chase as described in my earlier post.

22 hours ago, O Thompson said:
  • Step 1 would make bar 1 blue (with bars 2+3 still in red from another PB)
  • Step 2 would make bar 2 blue (with bars 1+3 still in red from another PB)
  • Step 3 would make bar 3 blue (with bars 1+2 still in red from another PB)

Only this time, each PB / Chase is either R G or B. The idea being, that i can mix the colour of a chase using the 3 PB's and apply this over any current state.

My issue now, is that if i were to raise the PB22 (red chase) over PB3,6+9 (red wash) i would expect nothing to happen, you wouldn't see a red chase over a red wash... However the red chase over rides the wash, and the bars not in use (during a step of the chase) go dark. I would have assumed that using HTP, colour as well as intensity are upheld by the highest value, but this only seems to apply to intensity? Is there such as thing as HTP for colour mixing? This only become an issue when running the chase over a colour wash that may be mixed with R at less than 100%, 

Further to this, if PB22 - 24 are not at full, then the "dark" fixtures in each step are no longer 0 colour, but are scaled as if backwards...  


I have created a couple of videos using Phantom Zeros to try and show this. 

The first video show how the chase works over a state using the same colour parameter...

video 1

The second video shows my issue with colour "Scaling" when the PB is not at 100% 

video 2  

And finally, to make this post even more lengthy... Is there a way to link chases on multiple playbacks, so that the steps match each other? for example, if i set my 3 chases to global tempo, and start playing back my red chase, can i raise my blue chase to make magenta and have the steps align with each other? We used to have a Jester 24/48, and chases seemed to sync as standard, i'm hoping to replicate this?

Show file attached if it helps...

RGB Chase Example.isf


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