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FLX s48


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I’ve bought the FLX 48s a year ago. Already in the beginning i sometimes noticed that to console randomly selects channels after i selected the one that i was trying to edit. This problem is now getting worse. Last weekend i couldn't deselect a channel. I tried to push the button several time but i lid up immediately again. So i moved the fader of this channel just a little bit and then it worked again. Can you please help me with this issue? I hope this is not a hardware issue. Thanks a lot, yves

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Sorry to hear this.

This is not a hardware issue. When "Auto Select Channels on Fader Move" is enabled, the channel selection is quite sensitive, and so the slightest fader movement will cause the channel to select.

To prevent this from happening, tap SETUP -> System Settings -> Auto Select Channels on Fader Move -> Disable. You can then manually select the fixtures using the channel buttons.

The sensitivity will be reduced in ZerOS 7.9.5, which will be the next software release for FLX S.

If you have any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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