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FLX Desk Playback Forgets 1 Light


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ive got a Zero88 FLX console operating the DMX controls for lighting on a filming stage, using a combination of sky panels and space force lights.

day to day we operate with the lights on 100% intensity and 5600k, so to make life easier i recorded a playback of all the lights set this way, to recall when we power on the desk.

however, upon power up, the intensity and colour settings for the 2nd light in the sequence are forgotten, meaning it just goes blank when the desk fires up.

any ideas?


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When the console powers up and this playback is output, what does the Output Window display for this fixture? If the fixture is displaying 100%, and when selected colour is reporting 5600K, then it sounds like the console is outputting the correct information to the fixture.

If you pull the playback down, and push it back up, does the fixture then come on? If you push the playback up, select the fixture, turn it on to 100% (2 @@ is a shortcut for this), is it on in the correct colour temperature? If so tap UPDATE, and tap your playback button to add the fixture into the playback.

If it helps, feel free to send a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com with a description of the problem, and one of the team will be able to take a look and get back to you.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 3/22/2019 at 2:19 PM, Edward- Z88 said:


When the console powers up and this playback is output, what does the Output Window display for this fixture? If the fixture is displaying 100%, and when selected colour is reporting 5600K, then it sounds like the console is outputting the correct information to the fixture.

So when the desk powers on, all fixtures display 100 except this fixture.

On 3/22/2019 at 2:19 PM, Edward- Z88 said:

If you pull the playback down, and push it back up, does the fixture then come on? If you push the playback up, select the fixture, turn it on to 100% (2 @@ is a shortcut for this), is it on in the correct colour temperature? If so tap UPDATE, and tap your playback button to add the fixture into the playback.

— when the playback is pushed down and up, after turning on the light, it dims but then reverts to its default colour temp as opposed to 5600k. Changing the temp then using update doesn’t seem to adjust it.


If it helps, feel free to send a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com with a description of the problem, and one of the team will be able to take a look and get back to you.

Hope this helps,


I have also just noticed within the output window that the playback only seems to be saving in this specific light. The rest show up as default but I can’t seem to make it one big playback.



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Hi Edward,

Think I just solved it - the values were not blue, but I had a realisation while watching one of the training videos, it was recording the channel of that one light only onto the master playback.

I have cleared the master playback and default values, recreated the set up saved onto playback one and seem to have solved the issue!

Still learning the desk so apologies for what now seems a fairly basic error.



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Hi James,

41 minutes ago, JMorgan said:

Think I just solved it - the values were not blue, but I had a realisation while watching one of the training videos, it was recording the channel of that one light only onto the master playback.

I have cleared the master playback and default values, recreated the set up saved onto playback one and seem to have solved the issue!

Ah great, glad to hear you solved the issue.

41 minutes ago, JMorgan said:

Still learning the desk so apologies for what now seems a fairly basic error.

No problem at all, if you have any queries just let us know.

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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