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Fixture defaults


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Hello community,

is there a way to change the defaults of a Fixture?

In my special situation I have a few Fresnels with motorised Focus. I like to have different scenes on different faders.  Like all lights on, or only two for a speaker.... But every time with the same focus. 

If I record them by the normal way on the faders. The motor is every time in movement and you can see it at the output. 

Is anyone here wit an idea of a solution?




Btw. is there still in plan to implement a better handling with multi-cell fixture in zeros 7.9.5? I read that hear some where in the forum? 

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Hi Sven,

Currently there isn’t a way to change fixture defaults on the console. You can however doing this using the Fixture Editor software for PC if you wish. The ability to change fixture Defaults and a new Home button will be coming in ZerOS 7.9.5. 

One solution would be to set the fixtures in the zoom you’re happy with and record it to a playback. Trigger this playback and don’t release it, and then the Zoom will stay at this value unless you manually change it, or a different playback overwrites it. To record just Zoom to a playback, you will need to press and hold RECORD, and ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options window.

ZerOS 7.9.5 won’t support multi cell fixtures. 

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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No problem. 

2 hours ago, Bimbino said:

To bad, Sunstips and LED Bars could be so beautiful and manifold effects.

We’ve had to prioritise other features, but it’s something we’re working on and keen to implement.

If you have any queries let me know.

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

Hello dear Community,

Happy New Year all :)

I will get 3 of the Zero88 FLX24 in future, and I was playing around with the pc software to learn about the console before we get it.

I am not happy with the default of 255 per channel in a few fixtures I use. Sure I can adjust them on the software "fixture type editor".

My question is: Can I adjust the default values also right at the console? People here were asking this since 2019, so it should be implemented now i hope :)

Thank you for your help and I wish you a good new year :)


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