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Character size when naming fixtures

Martin Oakley

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New user to FLXs48
During setup when fixtures are named, I enter the name of fixture e.g. LX1 DS Wash, but when I return to the split screen with Master Cue list at the bottom and channel informationĀ at the top the naming get truncated to about 5 characters. Is there a way of making the characters smaller or wrapped so you can see what each channel is controlling. White tape under the MFF is an option!!

From Frog days, its nice to have the name of the cue in something meaningful that about 8 characters that you had before!!

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Hi Martin,

There is no way to change the size of these channel names. You may find that viewing the MFF Window is more helpful. You can view this on the external monitor when enabled, by tapping VIEW. To enable the external monitor tap SETUP -> System Settings -> External Monitor -> Enabled. When the faders are in channels function, this window will show you the name of each channel fader, along with a level indicator. Alternatively you can view the MFF window on the internal touchscreen.

If you have for example the first 6 channels all named the same, the name will be displayed once above the channels making it clearer, rather than repeated for each fixture.

More information can be found here...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward, I will try that this evening. I am using the secondary monitor all the time and is so much easier that the in-built screen.

So far the desk has been very intuitive. Even the backup worked well when I deleted the entire show rather than one cue!! Won't be doing that again in a hurry!!

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Hi Martin,

Great glad to hear you're getting on well.

6 minutes ago, Martin Oakley said:

Even the backup worked well when I deleted the entire show rather than one cue!! Won't be doing that again in a hurry!!

Oops! Yep, saving to USB is very important!

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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