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FLX S24 expansion


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Hi all, 

I am currently thinking about purchasing a new console and would like to clarify on the decision between S24 plus an additionnal wing versus a S48 because the number of fixtures I am using is at or around 48.

I understand the S24 can be later upgraded to a second universe, so the number of dmx channels will not be an issue. 

Adding a wing to the S24 will give me the option to cope with insufficient number of faders. 

But I am not sure whether any of those upgrades will remove the 48 fixture barrier. Any insights on this? 





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Hi all,

FLX S24 can control a maximum of 48 fixtures. This cannot be increased by software upgrades or adding WINGs- adding wings just avoids the need to work across multiple pages. Both consoles use the same powerful processor, so this limit is purely the number or faders and pages on the physical console.

The same goes for the FLX S48- the maximum fixture count is 96. As the others have highlighted, both can have a maximum of 2 universes worth of channels to patch these fixtures onto. 

Hope this makes sense, if you have any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Thanks for the clarification Edward. 

I just figured that the S24 with an additional wing will give you the same amount of faders as on the S48. Given that the processor is the same (and therefore capable of the 96 fixtures), I don't really see any reason why the console should not be able to extend the fixture cound to 96 by adding the wing.

This would be a really neat option: giving you the flexiblitiy to use the small S24 for smaller shows and optionally popping in the extension wing in case you are running the full rig for fixtures 49 thru 96. 

Guess the S24 is out of the game then.

Again, thanks for your explanations. 


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1 hour ago, Bubbagump said:

This would be a really neat option: giving you the flexiblitiy to use the small S24 for smaller shows and optionally popping in the extension wing in case you are running the full rig for fixtures 49 thru 96. 

Guess the S24 is out of the game then.

I do understand where you’re coming from. However, if you are using a FLX S24 plus WING, this would take up more physical space than a FLX S48- it would also make more sense financially to go for the FLX S48, plus it has a Monitor Output for easier viewing of fader behaviour etc.  

Dont forget the show files are compatible, so if you were in the position to use an S48 for larger shows and an S24 for smaller shows, you could share showfiles for default patch etc if necessary. 

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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11 hours ago, Bubbagump said:

This would be a really neat option: giving you the flexiblitiy to use the small S24 for smaller shows and optionally popping in the extension wing in case you are running the full rig for fixtures 49 thru 96. 


10 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:

so if you were in the position to use an S48 for larger shows and an S24 for smaller shows, you could share showfiles for default patch etc if necessary. 


'cos in Z88 land you can have whatever console you like - you just pop into stores and pull the beast you want! S24 for small shows, S48 for medium ones and FLX for large ones! However here in the real world we can only afford one console in 10 years and sometimes have to purchase add-ons incrementally as we can afford them!

Bubba - technically I'm sure you're right, in fact both S24 and S48 probably have the CPU power to be a full FLX. But like most customer-facing companies, Z88 have a marketing department, and they have to have product differentiation. They want you to buy an S48 or a full FLX, not an S24 and get the equivalent functionality of the bigger desks with add-ons. Yes I know it's not exactly like that, there are differences to the surfaces, monitor support etc, but they won't want to have a mechanism to "short circuit" their product line.

Having said that - a 96 fixture "upgrade" to S24 does of course appear a sensible and viable idea, but maybe not one that would fly "marketing wise" with the current desk line-up. Actually it doesn't even need the wing, but the lack of monitor support could be more of a challenge.


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Hi Kevin,

12 minutes ago, kgallen said:

in Z88 land you can have whatever console you like - you just pop into stores and pull the beast you want! S24 for small shows, S48 for medium ones and FLX for large ones!

I don't agree with that comment - lighting consoles are investments. In terms of list price, a 1 universe FLX S24 plus FLX S48 is around £700 more than FLX S24 plus WING. Therefore if budget allows for this, this solution would give you more flexibility. Granted this is still a large sum of money, which is why I said if you were in the position to do this, it would help future proof the system. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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On 2/13/2019 at 10:09 AM, Edward- Z88 said:

In terms of list price, a 1 universe FLX S24 plus FLX S48 is around £700 more than FLX S24 plus WING.

This confirms my total bemusement at the WING pricing. I can buy from CTS, now, walkup, an S24 for £880+VAT. If I want a WING for my full FLX then suppliers are quoting between £850+VAT to over £1000+VAT.

So I can buy a full humdinger of a lighting desk with an integrated touchscreen and a quad ARM CPU - who's left hand half is the hardware of a WING, for less than... a WING - which is essentially a bunch of faders and buttons with a USB lead.

I'm just glad I don't need a WING...


(And I'm not knocking the Z88 brand - I own more Z88 kit than is frankly healthy, so I'm probably firmly in the "fan-boy" camp...)

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