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ZerOS 7.9.5


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Hi Chris,

Happy New Year.

ZerOS 7.9.5 is still work in progress at this stage. The aim was to release by the end of 2018, however there was a lot of back-end networking work in the software that was necessary, and so this pushed the release date back. 

We haven't put a new date on this yet, but are hoping within Q1 of this year. We've been releasing public beta versions fairly regularly, and the feedback is positive.

If you have any queries do let me know, or drop me an email.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 1 month later...



thank for giving us a new software update... 


Question :

When the Update will be come, is it better to take time for doing the update ? (Doing update and having performance can be a little bit dangerous... )

If un the futur I can buy a second FLX, I would like to joint beta tester if it s possible... 


Take care,


Eric VDA

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

Software updates usually take less than a minute to install. Show files are forward compatible, and therefore you are able to load your show file from previous software into new software.

However, it is always good practice to perform software updates after a show run has finished plenty of time before the next, just to give you time to get used to any changes. 

If you would like to become a beta tester, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com, and we’ll be able to add your forum account to the group. 

If you have any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for your answer, becoming beta tester can be interesting indeed. Having captured 2 universes, it allows me to test things at home. Then as I said, I prefer (needing my functional rule for shows and having no one in my area to spare me from an FLX) to buy if this is possible in the coming months a second FLX ...
So one could really serve me to the show, and the second of help, preparation for upcoming shows but also to be a tester at home.
I really like your console, and I also think that there is positive potential in this machine!

What I just miss (I mentioned elsewhere) is an updated manual, or a place on your site, or an interactive manual between users, could be a plus in the face of concurrency.

A good day to you


1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

Thank you for your comments. 

6 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

What I just miss (I mentioned elsewhere) is an updated manual, or a place on your site, or an interactive manual between users, could be a plus in the face of concurrency.

Noted. This is something we are working on. In the meantime, you may find the FLX area of the knowledge base a useful resource...


All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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hello Edward,

I could indeed this page with all subjects. It is indeed good to combine that as well.

Then a manual will be significant help for beginner and new users.

This is also why sometimes when the task is too heavy for a small number of people, it is good to appeal to the community ...

In any case, whatever the field of activity, we are all confronted with having to understand an environment.
Simplifying the life of users allows you to get to the point.

This is how when you know an environment, (which is your case), many things do not seem essential to explain.
On the contrary, when we approach this same environment without necessarily understanding everything and dominating everything, at that moment it is important to explain each step and therefore to always start from the beginning ... To have in mind the one who starts at Zero and who must understand the philosophy of the environment.

A good end of the day


1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought the development would be faster. The ZerOS 7.9.4 was released on March 19, 2018. I have submitted Bugs. And there isn't a Bugfix Release since than. I think it should be possible to release an update with Bugfixing every quarter of the year. No one gives you a real timeline. No one knowes what will be on the list. I think it's a shame that everyone is talking about features on and on.. and nothing happens over years. I have now many fixtures with many LED Pixels and more than one dimmer channel. And you found things like this for less money in many ways. It is not possible to change defaults... i hve to use a pc software for that... And the resolution of the PC software is bad... you can not use this in the way it should be... 

I thought this lighting desk would be a good solution. But after a year... i think i will sell it and by a GrandMa or ChamSys solution. That can handle fixtures that are on the market for many years.

The FLX has some nice features. But for an "easy" solution for everyone, there are so many little problems... and no one can say when they where changed.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Hi Eric,

Sorry to hear your frustrations.

I can't remember whether you are part of our beta test group? If not, you are more than welcome to drop us an email to support@zero88.com requesting to be added to the beta test group, if this is something that may be of interest. This will give you access to the latest beta software. Internally at the time of writing we are currently testing ZerOS We are hoping to release another beta soon for beta testers to get the latest preview of ZerOS 7.9.5.

The current beta software available for our beta testers is ZerOS This already includes the ability to change fixture defaults, home values, and max levels on FLX S consoles. 

Support for what we call composite fixtures is being worked on, but there is no preview of this as yet, and no release date.

If you have any further queries do feel free to post, or email me directly.

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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To add onto Edward's comments, tonight we've released ZerOS to our Beta Test forum. I've also written this note in the Beta forum:


As I'm sure you're more than aware, ZerOS 7.9.5 is significantly later than we intended. This is part due to the shier number of features included within the release and part due to a heighten standard for software testing. The end is very much insight and I thank you massively for your support in software testing and your patience whilst waiting for the release.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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I can't remember whether you are part of our beta test group? If not, you are more than welcome to drop us an email to support@zero88.com requesting to be added to the beta test group, if this is something that may be of interest. This will give you access to the latest beta software. Internally at the time of writing we are currently testing ZerOS We are hoping to release another beta soon for beta testers to get the latest preview of ZerOS 7.9.5.

The current beta software available for our beta testers is ZerOS This already includes the ability to change fixture defaults, home values, and max levels on FLX S consoles. 

Support for what we call composite fixtures is being worked on, but there is no preview of this as yet, and no release date.

Hi Edward,

since the last survey about pixelmapping i can see the beta part of this forum. But i'm not an official beta tester. I have only one desk. And that should be working when i am on tour. So it would be difficult to change back and force the ZerOS. I think i would be also a problem with the show files to when they would be changed with a newer version of ZerOS. So i don't understand why i have to wait over one year for a bug fixing. There should be a patch after a month for the ZerOS if there are known bugs that can crash the desk. If there a known problems, they have to be fixed fast. If anyone who wants bugfixing has to be a beta tester, you could skip this an release the ZerOS direcly.
New features should be released when they are ready and tested. For me would be using "composite fixtures" a big advance. But i know that it is difficult to integrate, there is no compatibilty with old fixtures and files any more.
The other advantage would be a only button desk for "disco" jobs or a way of free configurable flash buttons for the external touch. I would build it by my own if i had a way to send the information to the desk. But for the FLX S48 there is no easy solution. Since it has no midi, i must use usb or ethernet for connection.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Hi Eric,

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your reluctance to use beta software on live shows. It is worth mentioning that show files are always designed to be forwards compatible including in beta software, and when loading into older software versions, you will be notified if anything couldn’t be loaded. 

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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it is true that some bugs are annoying and we always have the fear of having a problem ...
Example the fact of my ghost faders which are at 0% and the value of intensity that goes alone to 30 or 40%, without that I did not do anything ... Luckily, this does not happen in show but in repetition ....

It is certain that updates are important to have a more robust and reliable console.

Knowing that in the show the fact of being afraid to plant a light, makes me always very focused and tense.


BUGs and Solutions

Maybe what would be interesting, it is to refer somewhere possible bugs, with the actions not to do to avoid the bug and also have the solutions ...


Happiness - FLX 

But I am in spite of the worries, I am happy to have the FLX and I was able to persuade others, to go towards this direction. The purchase of FLX
And I hope in time to come make some small videos in French to know this product ...


All the best...



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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  • 1 month later...



news about update ?

What news for us ?



Other question... About Fixture is it possible to make a update on FLX ? Because I ve my FLW since 1 year and I m sure that many new fixture were created...


thank for your helps

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

Currently our beta testers have access to ZerOS Release Candidate. This means unless we come across any further issues, this software version will be released as ZerOS 7.9.5.

This software version will include Zero 88 Fixture Library 37, that contains just under 10,000 fixtures. You can find out your current fixture library version on your FLX by tapping Z -> System Information. If you wish to update to this latest fixture library to gain access to these new and updated fixtures before ZerOS 7.9.5 is released, you can download it here...

If you have any queries please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thank a lot Edward

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Just a question, If I want to Update Fixture, I just have to do the update. (after having Download gft37_00.ift) ?

Or must I do something special ? Erasing Fixture ?



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric, 

Once you have downloaded and extracted the fixture library, copy it onto the root of a USB stick and plug into the console. Then tap SETUP -> Load File, and load the fixture library in. This will install, and once complete you will have to power cycle the console.

You will not need to remove any custom fixtures.

More information can be found here...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I did it this morning, because, some fixture where missing... and in your last fixture update, I find what I need...


Thank for your help.



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

11 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

I did it this morning, because, some fixture where missing... and in your last fixture update, I find what I need...

Great, glad to hear it. For a list of available fixtures, see the article below...


All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Do you think that you'll ever have a New udpate with all news Fixtures ? Last Update was un febuary...


Take care, 


Eric From France

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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