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ArtNet configuration question about Ports with SmartShow interface


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I have an FLXS48 that's about to become an expensive brick as the DMX outputs are unable to drive local theatres Install 6 house dimmer pack or zero88 demux after only six months use. I normally use ArtNet "SmartShow NetDMX II" interfaces with phones and tablets when focusing and thought I'd try one as these can drive the house kit.

So test set up on a TP Link dumb switch. 

The Interface config

********** SmartShow NetDMX **********
Firmware v1.17 - SerialNo 4396
*********** DEVICE SETTINGS **********
MAC Address   CA:EF:FF:1E:11:2C
Device IP
Starting Uni  (Net)0 (Subnet)0 (Uni)0
DMX Protocol  ARTNET


Transmit Art-Net  = enabled, Transmit mode = Broadcast, Device1, Name FLX S48, Network switch = 10, Net = 0, Subnet = 0

Then I'm confused as to the meaning of the Port? Is it the internal Port?  Tried 0 and 1?




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Hi Paul,

Firstly, why can’t you use the FLX S48’s DMX XLR ports to connect to the theatre’s lighting equipment?

The subnet mask of the SmartShowNetDMX looks to be the issue. The FLX S48 will generate an IP address starting with either 2. or 10. . You can find out what this IP address is on the console by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information -> Network Overview. If this is something other than 10.168.1.x you’ll need to change the subnet mask on the SmartShowNetDMX to 

I would also recommend configuring FLX S48 to transmit Art-Net unicast. 

Regarding the Port section of FLX S48 Art-Net settings, each Art-Net sub net can have 16 Ports. You then assign which console universe you wish to be Output on each Art-Net port. On FLX S48 each block of 4 ports is called a Device and will have its own IP address.

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward, the DMX ports problem is awaiting an email response from support, looks like there may be a problem were the 2.5v data signal is biased at +1v (rather than the +/- of other drivers) and the older zero88 kits not happy after six months working okay.

Couldn't find the Z/shift "System info" as I had not turned off the system help after a full reset. So unable to find the IP address range the desk had decided on. After turning off Help I can see the System Info and my problem.

Alas setting the SmartShow interface for both an ip in range of the desk "" and subsequently as that didnt work the subnet to still no joy with no device showing as connected.

Thanks for the Port info, so its an internal routing Port for the ArtNet as opposed to the Artnet UDP port.

Edited by rowanpaul
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Hi Paul,

OK thanks for the information regarding the XLR ports on the console, one of the team will get back to you soon. 

If you tap SETUP -> Network Devices does the SmartShow appear in here? What is the hardware setup: FLX S48 via Ethernet cable to TP link switch, then Ethernet cable linking switch to SmartShow gateway?

Are your patched fixtures on universe 1? If so ensure Universe 1 is assigned to Art-Net universe 1.

Hope this helps,



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward,

Yes to the network topography.  To prove things out I have uplinked the network switch to a TP router to provide DHCP. Enabled DHCP and sACN on the desk and tested the remote app device control from a wireless phone link to the router. The network overview shows an ip and an active remote connection when under control of the remote app. Unfortunately, the first line of the sACN readout is corrupted but shows a green tick and ends with 88FFDB7771001 the second line 'DMX 1Live, Univese1, Priority:100, Source name FlX S48 Universe 1'

The Smartshow is reconfigured to sACN universe1 and this works fine with Art-Net controller phone app unicasting to universe 1 using E1.31 so proved network links to from both the desk and the smartshow. 

It's only a single universe license so all on 1



PS is the FLX S 48 PSU shipped probably around Autumn last year one made by sunpower 12v 3.33A, its suddenly occurred to me that a visiting group could have swapped it?

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Hi Paul,

Hmm that’s odd, from your description this should be working absolutely fine.

Yes the PSU is a Sunpower 12v 3.33A external power supply.

Have you tried bypassing the switch and plugging directly from FLX S48 into the SmartShow and unicast Art-Net universe 1 on 10.?


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward,

For the public record, it turned out to be a problem with the artnet polling handshake. Tried using my latest SmartNet NetDMX unit with ver1.30 firmware and this managed to handshake. Bobby from SmartShow.lighting supplied me with the latest firmware file within a minute of a request and I was able to load this into the older SmartShow NetDMX device excellent service.

So if anyone wants to use a SmartShow NetDMX device with a FLX S then Version 1.30 of the firmware is advisable.



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