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Chases mirroring when not supposed to be


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I have 4 Robe colorspot 250at along front of stage. I have on playback 1 a chase each fixture following on from the other 1234. On playback 2 I have another chase this time the four split in 2 pairs 12.but when I put playback 1 up and it starts running OK. Then I put playback 2 up which should be different to playback 1, it mirrors playback 1 and then I can't get playback 2 back although when you view the playback on the screen it's showing the 2 steps. Hope that makes sense. Tech tomorrow evening

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Hi Peter,

Is the issue present when mixing Playback 1 and 2, or does Playback 2 not seem to be working correctly at all?

I would recommend emailing your show file to support@zero88.com, along with a description of the issue, and one of the team will be able to take a look and see what may be causing this. 

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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